ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★



2017-10-26 | ルーマニア・ブカレストの日常

"Faborisa Association"(ルーマニア語表記では、Asociatia Faborisa、日本語訳はファボリサ協会)は2011年11月16日に登録された、ルーマニアのNGO(非営利団体)。

"Faborisa Association"の使命とは。





ブカレストのStr. Lacul Bucura nr. 40に所在する小児結核病院Pneumotizilogy Marius Nastaは、ルーマニア全土から結核に苦しんでいる子供たちがやってきます。






English is following:
Faborisa Association is an NGO which was registered in the Register of Association and Foundation nr 11/16.03.2011, is non profit, apolitical, nongovernamental.

The Mission of “Faborisa Association”is:

1. To improve the quality of life of all members of society in need, suffering or who are socially disadvantaged. We want to bring the European standard in Romanian hospitals through projects that involve renovations where needed, and to improve life quality through the use
of laughter therapy, music, dance, acting, as well as other artistic programs;

2. To bring public awareness in school institutions, about the needs of children affected by TB disease, socially disadvantaged far below the subsistence level using art and music, instilling values that are moral, educational and spiritual;

3. To promote volunteer activities mainly among young people, that can promote further the benefits and contentment of these volunteer acts;

The project Romanien children with TB is dedicated to helping the children from Romania suffering TB, wich are hospitalized in the Institute of Pneumoftizilogy Marius Nasta from Bukarest, Str. Lacul Bucura nr. 40.

The project is raising funds nececery to create proper , hygiene condition for the suffering children which are staying in the hospital few months depending on the gravity of the case.

Our goal for this year involves two aspects renovation and education:

1. The renovation of 4 large children’s rooms with 6 beds each for 6-18 years old children hospitalized with TB and three bathroms. This includes as well the renovation of sanitary installation, a step upwards for what is necessary to make into European Standards.
2. Education for hospitalized children with TB is supplying activities of nonformal education for the children that are staying in the hospital for treatment.

We want to thank 1000km Balkan Charity Challenge that has been a major sponsor and help so last year we had renovated 12 rooms and for the improvents made the hospital was able to get the acreditation to function one more year. This hospital is the only place in Romania where all forms of TB are treated.
