ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★


Relay For Life in Ashiya、参加表明

2014-09-03 | 日本でランニング
I will take part in "Relay For Life in Ashiya" this weekend, solo run for 12 hours during the night.

What Is Relay For Life?

Origin in the United States Washington Tacoma, in the year 1985, in an attempt to gather the activity funds of American Cancer Society, Dr. Gordon Klatt 1985, decided to raise money by running, as he was good at running.

Overnight for 24 hours, Dr.Klatt kept running on around the track of the university. Every time Dr. Klatt walked or ran for a 30-minute around track, his friends donated $ 25. Finally,the donation came up to 27,000 dollars. This is the beginning of the Relay For Life.

Nowadays, each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement.

There are over 40 places to have Relay For Life in Japan, and I will take part in Ashiya.

It is "Fundraising" run and I am the challenger. I need supporter for each 1km. When I run 1km, please raize some small money from your pocket, thank you.



いまや、世界20カ国で開催され、毎年世界中で400万人を超える人たちが参加しています。日本では、日本対がん協会と各地のボランティアでつくる実行委員会が、全国40カ所以上で開催しています。 シンボルカラーの紫は「希望の色」と呼ばれ、太陽・月・星をかたどったロゴは、24時間がんと闘うことを象徴します。

リレー・フォー・ライフは、"Save Lives"を使命とします。がんと闘っている人たちの命を祝福し(Celebrate)、亡くなった人たちをしのび(Remember)、がんと闘っている人たちを勇気づけます。そして、がん征圧のために力を合わせて立ち向かいます(Fight Back)。
