
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2018年04月26日 16時30分17秒 | ministry of word

After we have believed in the Lord Jesus, God does not leave us to walk according to the old sinful nature, that is, the flesh. He sentenced the Lord Jesus to death because He intended, on the one hand, that the Lord become sin for us, and on the other hand, that the old Adamic creation be crucified with Him, so that He could give us a new life. When we believed in the Lord Jesus as our Savior, God gave us this new life with its new nature. “Through these you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption which is in the world by lust” (2 Pet. 1:4). At the time we believed, He dispensed into us His own life, the life of God, with the nature of God. This nature is entirely new; it is totally different from our old sinful nature. This nature does not come from an improvement of our old nature. This mysterious transaction took place at the instant we believed in the Lord Jesus as our Savior. This is regeneration, which is to be born from above and to receive God’s life and nature. This regeneration is not something that man feels. Rather, it is the work of God’s Holy Spirit in our spirit, recovering our spirit’s lost position and installing God’s life in our spirit. 

The Two Natures—A Talk with Young People

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« 1 Corinthians 12:13 | トップ | MOW-27,04,2018 »



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