

トヨタの歩み 1 (1918-1942)

2012年09月25日 | DATABASE






1918 Janurary 30th, Sakichi ToyodaToyoda Boshoku Corporation was established





10/30/1930 Sakichi Toyoda passes away

10/?/1930 The 1st small engine completed

March 1930 High Draft Spinning Frame completed


May 1933 Spinning frame exported to India from Toyoda Auto Loom Works, Ltd

Next October automotive structural study to begin, in conjunction with materials related to undertake research.

1/29/1934 extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in research related to auto and steel production to the company's operations.

Deciding that capital would increase to 100 ten thousand Yen -> 300 ten thousand Yen.

Steel making department new established.

March 1934 Automobiles prototype manufacture factory is completed.

7/?/1934 steel mills (Iron Works) completion.

9/25/1934 “A” Type engine (automotive engine No. 1) was completed.

March 1935 Establishment of Toyoda Machinery Sales Corporation.

May 1935 Prototype car completion (“A1 Type” the first car).

8/25/1935 “G1” Type prototype truck completed.

October 30th, 1935 "Five Main Principles of Toyoda"

 ( TOYOTA: Company  Vision & Philosophy)

1. Always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the Company and to the overall good.
2. Always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times.
3. Always be practical and avoid frivolousness.
4. Always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and friendly.
5. Always have respect for God, and remember to be grateful at all times.

November, 1935 that year announcement of G1 Type truck production.

December 1935 the first Toyota car dealership to start sales, Sunrise Motors. Equipment and systems research to begin.








January 1936 “DA” Type truck released

April 1936 “A4” type cars being produced (a revised production type A1 type)

Kariya automobile assembly plant completed May 1936

7/15/1936 “G1” type is the first auto/truck exported



9/20/1937 automobile production business laws, automobile production business from the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd.



April 1938 Tianjin Toyota factory  begins operation.

8/10/1938 Toyota Department store establishment.

10/1/1938 Toyota Motor Corporation industrial health insurance union establishment

11/3/1938 Mother Plant starts operation, Koromo Plant
Construction of the fist mother factory undergoes many great challenges, end of September , the plant is complete. The starting switch by Kiichiro's Toyota hand.

11/1938 Toyota Engineering Department Youth School opening  start of 1939 April
training manufacture education.

December 1938 “GB” type truck B type engine loading and “GA” type improvement) this year of entry into production, Toyota motor Corporation distribution and dealership partnership established.

May 1939 Shanghai assembly battery factory starts entry into production

June 1939 Start production on “ DB” type low floor style bus chassis.

June 1939 Each unit businesses enactment (personal stipulation and budget
stipulation etc.) establish operating rules.

Trial manufacture completion September 1939 “AE”
model medium-sized cars.


11/8/1939 Cooperation meeting starts
The November 8th first Toyota Motor Corporation subcontract forum
was held at Tokyo Kuramae Industrial Center, because the representation
of Toyota and cooperative factory representatives assures mutual friendship unity,
" Cooperation Council " was formed.

11/1939 “HB” type based on “GB” type, bus short chassis production starts.

December 1939 Toyota Japan, Ford corporation & NISSAN, a joint venture contract to temporary seal, deterioration relations Japan and America, it becomes flame
failure in joint venture contract)

1939 Annual Report: domestic sales, 1 million units, production 12 million units.

1940 A “New Japan” dealership represenatives announce at First Mother Plant.

2/20/1940 Tianjin factory, create separation plant, the North Chinese automobile industrial establishment.

3/8/1940 Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd., seperates the integral steel section Toyota steelmaking establishment into an independent company “Totoda Steel Works”



4/15/1940 Hiratsuka factory created thru joint capital investment.

9/14/1940 Creation of Riken Corp. a development and research company for the development of automotive goods.


February 1941 “AE” type medium passenger car productions starts “New Japan”

5/01/1941 Creation of Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. In order to produce the special purpose machine which is suited for mass production, to separate free the machine tool section, obtaining the establishment permission with machine tool production.

7/21/1941 Kiitirou Toyoda president inauguration

December 1941 Pre-War output set at 2066 units per month.

Historical Note: December 7, 1941 Japan’s attach on Pearl Harbor.

2/1942 Shanghai factory established Toyota’s china automotive industry expansion.

2/1/1942 Toyoda central cotton spinning establishment to separate.

March 1942 “KB” type truck production started (improved “GB” type)
April 1942 “LB” type truck ( “KB” type short chassis) production started.

June 1942 Aircraft section starts production.


I had heard rumor of this in the past…and it’s not confirmed from Toyota…I had heard that they worked on aircraft props and canopies and interior components.

10/3/1942 Opening of Toyota Hospital


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