50歳で始めた海外ひとり旅 と 自費出版


My short presentation for YMCA

2006年07月05日 01時03分03秒 | Practice English

I have a several topics of this trip.

First, I had waiting for long time at Hong Kong airport.
It took about 8 hours to flight for London Heathrow airport.

But I had no idea for spending long time.
So, I drank coffee, ate Chinese food and writing E-mail
to my family and friends. I was bored there.

2nd topic is about cloths.
I bought a windbreaker to keep warm from cold in Ireland,
but I didn't know how cold there was.
The windbreaker was thin.
When I arrived in Galway I felt so cold.
I made mistake. and I regret.
I had to bring a sweater or bought a thick jacket for winter.

In inish Mor Island.
I rent a bicycle , and then started running around the Island.
There was beautiful landscape and sea view. It was so wonderful
and very quiet.

I was tired pedaling.
But I ran 2 and half hour.
I reached somewhere. I don't know where there was.
And I had no time. I had to return to the port.

I needed more times.
I had to stay one night there.

A last topic.
I had been prepairing to listening to British English with CD.
But It was difficult to listen to real Irish English for me.
Example, When I made reservation at Hotel in Dublin,a woman
who was receptionist explained about breakfast.
She said "What time would you like to take a breakfast?"
I said "I'd like about eight,please".
But she " ??? ",Maybe she could not catch my English.
She explained with writing paper that a time for taking a breakfast.
She said 7:00am start 9:30am closed.
I said "eight, please". but she did not understand.
I written on the paper "8". She understood.

Irish English Pronounciation was difficult for Japanese.
That's all.
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