A Day In The Life


“Bridging Us All”

2012年05月28日 23時36分54秒 | LIGA SAGRES ZON 11-12


Pablo Aimar y su posible vuelta a River


ベンフィカのニュースは・・・サルビオをアトレティコから獲得できないかと交渉しているベンフィカ。800万ユーロで合意できるかもとのことです。サルビオは実力もわかっているし、良い補強だと思いますが、右サイドの選手ですよね? 今シーズンに右をやったのはブルーノ・セザールで、彼は評価も高いことから、スタメンを外れるとは思えません。となると、真ん中にブルーノが来るのかなあ? スタメン・キープはすごく大変、と疲れていたパブロなので、来季どうなることやら・・・心配です。

全く話は変わりますが、New York Timesのtravel欄にリスボンが出ていたので興味深く読みました。でも、文章だけで町を伝えるのは難しいですね。あまりイメージが湧きませんでした。
The coaster pauses at Largo da Graça, a sort of square where there are trees and tables and a panorama stretching all the way to the 25 de Abril Bridge, whose reddish glow recalls the Golden Gate. (Much about Lisbon brings to mind San Francisco, including the trams, which are Lisbon’s version of cable cars.)

↑これはゴールデン・ゲート・ブリッジのほう。懐かしいです。今年で建設75周年だとか。1年を通しての記念キャンペーンのタイトルは“Bridging Us All”というそうで、この前の歌はこれに何か関係が??と思ってしまいました。



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Unknown (Suzie)
2012-05-30 00:02:13
Heyy!! how are you? I know I haven't speak to you in a long time, but I (try to) read your blog everyday! I don't know if my translation is right, but if you're wondering about the similarity between the San Francisco's bridge and the 25 de Abril bridge, they basically were made by the same architect!
hope I helped!
Suzieさん、 (Sion)
2012-05-30 00:14:18
Hi Suzie!
I'm fine, thanks. I'm extremely busy these days but I can manage to keep writing the blog for now. I don't know till when I can though.

>they basically were made by the same architect!

REALLY?!? I didn't know that! Nobody told me except you!!
That's why they look like so much.... Thanks for letting me know.

Well, a writer of New York Times says some things are similar in San Francisco and Lisbon besides the bridges. I don't know if it's true. Whenever I visited San Francisco, it was freezing there even in summer. At least the climate must be very different in the two cities!
Unknown (Suzie)
2012-05-30 09:54:05
Oh, I hope you'll manage to keep posting!
Yeah, really! And you're welcome!
Well... I've never been at San Francisco, but I would say that it is very similiar to Lisbon and specially to my city, Almada (the other side of the river) 'cause Almada has lots of green at the shore. It's the best thing about my town! I love coming back from college (that it's at Lisbon) and crossing the bridge 'cause it makes me feel like I'm entering S. Francisco!
But Lisbon is also very similiar, it's very urbanistic too, it has lots of tall buildings and some natural parks around. And I saw somewhere that there's some kind of an electric bus at S. Francisco, and we have that too, it's one of the most characteristic things of Lisbon. I would say that the biggest diferences are the climate like you said, the architecture of the houses and buildings and the whole 'hippie' feeling that you get from the people there. People at Lisbon are more conservative, traditional and cold.
Now, sorry for this BIG comment! haha
Suzieさん、 (Sion)
2012-06-01 00:15:05
I am sometimes too tired to write anything at night these days. Especially when there's no news about Pablo, I don't feel like writing...

On the other hand, I think it's very nice to have (and keep) my own blog because it gives me a chance to get to know people I would never know if I didn't have my blog. Just like your case. It's so interesting and wonderful to read something directly from the other country!

>And I saw somewhere that there's some kind of an electric bus at S. Francisco, and we have that too, it's one of the most characteristic things of Lisbon.

Yeah, they have cable cars in San Francisco, which are very popular for tourists. There are many steep slopes and hills.

>People at Lisbon are more conservative, traditional and cold.

Cold? Mmmm, I think most people in the big cities are somewhat cold.(haha)
Well, I really want to visit Lisbon some day! Actually, I thought about it for this summer, but the millage I have is not enough for that far travel. Our summer trip destination must be Hong Kong. Hong Kong in summer?! I know it's not so good idea, but it's closer than Portugal at least.
Unknown (Suzie)
2012-06-01 03:29:45
Well, you dont have to write everyday of course! haha
Aww that's really sweet and I totally understand you. I've made a lot of friends thanks to Pablo! And I really like to speak with you too!

Well, but if you go to Oporto, the biggest city at the north of Portugal (almost as big as Lisbon), people aren't cold at all, really!!! People at Lisbon are very... well, snobbish! Hong Kong!? Wow! It's better than nothing!! haha
Suzieさん、 (Sion)
2012-06-01 23:53:29
I know, I know but... I think it's a kind of obsession...

>People at Lisbon are very... well, snobbish!

Are they?!? Wow, I didn't know that. Very interesting.

>It's better than nothing!!

Yeah, right. It's the exact words to tell the situation.
Unknown (Suzie)
2012-06-02 22:06:39
An obsession? No! Lets call it a passion!
Yes, I would say so... But don't be disappointed, we have some cool people here too! haha
Yeah, and it's better not to come to Lisbon this year, the city hall is making a lot of new constructions and most of the streets and some of the prettiest places are closed now and there's a lot of dust in the air. Not exactly the best time to visit Lisbon and to take good photos! So, enjoy Hong Kong!
Suzieさん、 (Sion)
2012-06-04 00:49:52
Thank you! and, you are giving me a lot of information!
Well, here news about financial crisis in Europe are heard everyday. I hope nothing serious will happen.


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