言の葉ひらひら - Wordy Leaves Dancing

"In the beginning was the Word."

A moment at midnight

2006-06-28 | leaves on TODAY
These days, I have to grade so many papers at night that I cannot update my blog as I wish.... The summer course is really intensive! I have so much ideas for the new entries, but I don't seem to get to them unless I have a good chunk of time. (Knowing that once I start, each of them will take me a while.) Sorry about that...

So, I'm gonna make a quick note on something I just noticed now.
Beside me grading, there's a vase with beautiful flowers
that my roomie arranged (as always) on the table.
Few hours ago, all the buds were tightly closed,
but as I gave them a glance now,
I found one of them starting to open up.
While I was not even looking, God's hands were so close by,
gently unfolding a new beauty.
After a busy day, it brought me a sense of serenity.
A quiet moment at midnight.

While we don't even notice, God's hands are surely upon us.
I hope I'm unfolded little by little likewise.
In this busy world, something is changing slowly but surely,
although no one's watching or noticing.

Time to get back to work now....


