私的海潮音 英米詩訳選



2020-02-15 11:37:31 | T・S・エリオット「ミルトンⅠ]
Selected Prose of T. S. Elliot [ed. By Frank Kermode]
pp. 258-264



There is a large class of persons, including some who appear in print as critics, who regard any censure upon a ‘great’ poet as a breach of the peace, as an act of wanton iconoclasm, of even hoodlumism. The kind of derogatory criticism that I have to make upon Milton is not intend for such persons, who cannot understand that it is more important, in some vital respects, to be a good poet than to be a great poet; and of what I have to say I consider that the only jury of judgement is that of the ablest poetical practitioners of my own time.


2020-02-13 13:06:03 | T・S・エリオット「ミルトンⅠ]
Selected Prose of T. S. Elliot [ed. By Frank Kermode]
pp. 258-264



*ドライデン〔John Dryden/1631-1700〕
 イギリスの詩人、劇作家、批評家。清教徒の家に生まれ、ケンブリッジ大学を卒業。共和制政府を支持したが、王政に復帰するや王党に転じ、チャールズ二世を讃えるAstraea Redux[1660]を書く。S・ジョンソンが「イギリス批評の父」と呼んだほどに批評家としてもすぐれた業績を残す。桂冠詩人[1668-1688]。(『ブリタニカ国際百科事典』より)

*ポープ〔Alexander Pope/1688-1744〕
 イギリスの詩人、批評家。ドライデンと並ぶイギリス古典主義文学の代表的詩人。カトリックの裕福な家に生まれたが、病気のために発育が著しく阻害された。伝統的な主題を完璧な技巧で処理して、田園詩、教訓詩、英雄詩などの形式を自由に駆使した。最も得意とする風刺詩ではThe Dunciad[1728]が有名である。(『ブリタニカ国際百科事典』より)

Many people will agree that a man may be a great artist, and yet have a bad influence. There is more of Milton’s influence in the badness of the bad verse of the eighteen century than of anybody’s else: he certainly did more harm than Dryden and Pope, and perhaps a good deal of the obloquy which has fallen on these tow poets, especially the latter, because of their influence, ought to be transferred to Milton. But to put the matter simply in terms ‘bad influence’ is not necessarily to bring a serious charge: because a good deal of the responsibility, when we state the problem in these terms, may devolve on the eighteen-century poets themselves for being such bad poets that they were incapable of being influenced except for ill. There is a good deal more to charge against Milton than this; and it appears a good deal more serious if we affirm that Milton’s poetry could only be an influence for the worse, upon any poet whatever. It is more serious, if we affirm that Milton’s bad influence may be traced much farther than the eighteen century, and much farther than upon bad poets: if we say that it was an influence against which we still have to struggle.


2020-02-11 09:20:36 | T・S・エリオット「ミルトンⅠ]

Selected Prose of T. S. Elliot [ed. By Frank Kermode]
pp. 258-264



 *エズラ・パウンド〔Ezra Pound/1885-1972〕アメリカの詩人。ペンシルバニア大学、ハミルトン・カレッジに学んだのち、1908年以来ロンドン・パリ・イタリアで典型的な国籍離脱者として活動しながら新詩運動の中心となる。第二次世界大戦中ファシスト側の宣伝放送に協力、戦後反逆罪で告発されたが、精神異常と認定され12年を病院で過ごした。〔『ブリタニカ国際大百科事典』より〕

 While it must be admitted that Milton is a very great poet indeed, it is something of a puzzle to decide in what his greatness consists. On analysis, the marks against him appears both more numerous and more significant than the marks to his credit. As a man, he is antipathetic. Either from the moralists’ point of view, or from the theologian’s point of view, of from the psychologist’s point of view, of from that of the political philosopher, or judging by the ordinary standards of likeableness in human beings, Milton is unsatisfactory. The doubts which I have to express about him are more serious than these. His greatness as a poet has been sufficiently celebrated, though I think largely for the wrong reasons, and without the proper reservations. His misdeeds as a poet have been called attention to, as by Ezra Pound, but usually in passing. What seems to me necessary is to assert at the same time his greatness-in that what he could do well he did better than any one else have ever done― and the serious charges to be made against him, in respect of the deterioration―the peculiar kind of deterioration―to which he subjected the language.

失楽園 178~191行目

2020-02-05 20:53:34 | ミルトン〔失楽園〕


178 我らをして好機を逃させるな 蔑みか あるいは
180 見るがよい彼方のもの寂びた野を 打ち棄てられて
181 荒んだ野の 朽ちた座と光の裂け目を
182 何がこの蒼ざめた焔の燦めきが
183 衰え荒んでゆくのを護る? 其方へと我らを向かわせよ
184 この燃え盛る大波のうねりから離れて
185 そこでもし幾何の安らぎが潜むなら安らぎ
186 傷めつけられた力を集め直して
187 語らうのだ 如何にしてこれより最もよく
188 我らの敵を害し 如何にして己らの損失を償い
189 この悍ましい災いを覆すかを
190 もし絶望からくる不屈の意志がなければ
191 希望〔ノゾミ〕からどんな強さを加えられるかを

Paradise Lost
John Milton
Book I

178 Let us not slip th’ occasion, whether scorn,
179 Or satiate fury yield it from our Foe.
180 Seest thou yon dreary plain, forlorn and wild,
181 The seat of desolation, void of light,
182 Save what the glimmering of these livid flames
183 Casts pale and dreadful? Thither let us tend
184 From off the tossing of these fiery waves,
185 There rest, if any rest can harbor there,
186 And reassembling our afflicted powers,
187 Consult how we may henceforth most offend
188 Our Enemy, our own loss how repair,
189 How overcome this dire calamity,
190 What reinforcement we may gain from hope,
191 If not what resolution from despair.

失楽園 169~177行目 

2020-02-03 13:32:45 | ミルトン〔失楽園〕

巻一 169~170行目

169 しかし見よ 怒れる勝利者が
170 報復と追撃の下僕〔シモベ〕らを
171 天の門へと呼び戻した 硫黄の如く燃え盛る歓呼が
172 嵐のなかで我らの後ろにあがって 過ぎたのちには
173 焔の如きうねりがのべられて 天の絶壁から
174 墜ちる我らを受けとめた 赤光と激烈な
175 憤怒によって飛び来たる雷は
176 おそらくはその矢を費やし尽くしたのだろう 今や
177 漠たる果てない深みを貫いて轟くのをやめてしまった

169 But see the angry Victor hath recalled
170 His ministers of vengeance and pursuit
171 Back to the gates of Heav’n: the sulphurous hail
172 Shot after us in storm, o’ erblown hath laid
173 The fiery surge, that from the precipice
174 Of Heav’n received us falling, and the thunder
175 winged with the red lighting and impetuous rage,
176 Perhaps hath spent his shafts, and ceases now
177 To bellow through the vast and boundless deep.