仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Snow Skate

2025年01月24日 | ★STARRY★

Winter season is one of my favorite seasons. Aside from its cold weather, I can do winter sports. Last Saturday after my work, I went to Spring Valley Izumi Kogen for night skiing. I was lucky at that time because they have a monthly one-time event that is the `ALL NIGHT` skiing until 5 AM. That was so cool! That`s why I decided to play long hours and stayed there until 3 AM. I was a little worried that it would freeze me because I played until morning, but it was not that cold because my body was active.


I don’t use typical winter sports like Skiing and Snowboard. I used my SnowFeet `SnowSkate` which I bought 4 years ago on Amazon. Using SnowSkate is easy if you know how to ice skate or rollerblade but the big difference is you need to control your speed because you are dealing with the powdered snow and slope. That`s why you need to be more cautious of your movement.


SnowSkates are cheap compared to buying or renting complete gear for snowboarding or skiing. All you need is a snow boots or snowboard boots and you are fine to play and slide all the way.  But the lift is pricey but that’s ok. After all, I have my own gears. It was fun. I will go snowskating again before the winter ends.




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