

有する、備える、具備、含む、成る: provided with, comprise

2024-08-20 13:20:34 | ChatGPT

Me: Compare the following two sentences:

1. This device is provided with a member A and a member B.
2. This device comprises a member A and a member B.

Do they basically mean the same thing? In what situations is one more appropriate than the other?

The two sentences are similar in meaning but have subtle differences in tone and implication, particularly in legal or technical contexts like patent writing.

1. "This device is provided with a member A and a member B."

  • Meaning: This phrase suggests that the device has or is equipped with member A and member B. It implies that these components are part of the device but doesn't necessarily indicate whether they are essential to its function.
  • Usage: This wording is more descriptive and is often used in general explanations or descriptions. It might be more appropriate when you want to describe the presence of components without specifying that they are integral to the device's structure or operation.

2. "This device comprises a member A and a member B."

  • Meaning: "Comprises" is a stronger term that implies member A and member B are essential and integral parts of the device. In patent language, "comprises" is often used to indicate that the device includes these members as part of its structure or function, but it also leaves room for additional components.
  • Usage: This wording is more precise and is commonly used in legal or technical documents, especially patents. It is appropriate when you want to define the essential components of the device in a way that can withstand legal scrutiny.


  • Use "is provided with" when you want to describe the device in a more general or descriptive manner, without necessarily implying that the components are essential.
  • Use "comprises" when you need to precisely define the components that make up the device, especially in legal or technical contexts where the inclusion of those components is important for the understanding or enforcement of the document.

In patent writing, "comprises" is often preferred because it clearly establishes the elements that are part of the invention while allowing for the possibility of additional, unspecified elements.

Consider a pipe. The pipe is composed of two pipe members joined together. In this case, which of the following is more appropriate as a description of the pipe? 1. The pipe is provided with two pipe members. 2. The pipe comprises two pipe members.
In this case, "The pipe comprises two pipe members." is more appropriate.


  • "Comprises" indicates that the two pipe members are essential components that make up the pipe. This phrasing clearly communicates that the pipe consists of these two members, which are integral to its structure.

  • "Is provided with" would imply that the pipe has or is equipped with two pipe members, but it doesn't necessarily convey that these members are fundamental to the composition of the pipe. It could be interpreted as the pipe having additional components or being equipped with the two members in a less integral way.

Since the pipe is composed of these two members, and they are essential parts of its structure, "comprises" is the more precise and accurate term to use in this context.

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