


2017-05-18 22:01:09 | 英語特許散策

"A method for propulsion of water-going vessels (1) comprising a plate (9), which is located in the water (2) and extends across a desired direction of motion for the vessel (1), where the plate (9) is moved from a first position (P1) to a second position (P2) and back. Under the influence of a motive force the extent of which varies sinusoidally, the plate (9) is brought into translatory and rectilinear oscillation about a neutral position (N2) between the first and the second position (P1 and P2 respectively), the neutral position (N2) being determined by a static equilibrium between spring forces influencing the plate (9). The plate (9) is controlled in such a manner that its plate plane(板面)extends perpendicularly to the vessel's (1) direction of motion, and a greater resistance is exerted by the plate (9) against the water when it is moved opposite to the vessel's desired direction of motion than when it is moved in this direction. A device for performing the method."

"Each of the LEDs 21 has a package structure such that an LED chip 21a that emits blue light is encapsulated in a transparent resin into which a yellow fluorescent material is mixed, for example, and is capable of emitting white light from its top surface, i.e., the light emitting surface 21d. In the present embodiment, the light emitting surfaces 21d are disposed parallel to plate faces(板面)(surfaces) of the LED substrates 20."

"As illustrated in FIG. 4, each LED 28 has a rectangular shape in a plan view. A surface of the LED 28 is a light emitting surface 28a. On a rear surface of the LED 28, two legs 31a, 31b each having a plate shape are vertically provided at a position closer to the center of the LED 28 than the edge thereof. The legs 31a, 31b extend in the vertical direction (the Y-axis direction) with plate surfaces(板面)thereof arranged parallel to each other. The legs 31a, 31b are connected to the front surface of the LED board 30. The LED 28 is supported by the front surface of the LED board 30 via the legs 31a, 31b (FIG. 5). The legs 31a, 31b provide a space between the LED 28 and the LED board 30 on each side of the legs 31a, 31b."

"[0064] FIG. 7(A) shows dielectric 703 with a baseline shape while experiencing the nominal voltage level on voltage 704. If the voltage level of voltage 704 drops by AV as shown in FIG.7 (B), then dielectric 703 may shrink parallel to the plane(板面)of the plates around the plates of conductor 702. However, around the plates of conductor 705, dielectric 703 may expand. This combination of expansion and shrinking may result in a somewhat "zig-zagged" edge of dielectric 703, but the overall shape change may be minimal compared to capacitor 600 in FIG. 6 under the same conditions. A similar effect may be shown in FIG. 7(C) in which the voltage level of voltage 704 increases by AV instead of dropping. In this case, dielectric 703 may expand parallel to the plane of the plates around the plates of conductor 702 and shrink around the plates of conductor 705. This may result in a similar, but reversed zig-zagged edge of dielectric 703."

"After aging, a sample of the adhesive transfer tape-release liner construction was cut 2.54 cm wide and approximately 20 cm in length using a specimen razor cutter. The sample was applied(貼り付け)with its exposed adhesive side down(露出した接着剤側を下にして)and lengthwise(縦向きに)onto the platen surface(板面)of a peel adhesion tester (IMASS Slip/Peel Tester, Model 3M90, obtained from Instrumentors, Incorporated, Strongsville, Ohio). The applied sample was rubbed down on the test panel using light thumb pressure(親指で軽く圧力を加えて擦りつけた). The sample on the platen surface was rolled twice with a 2 kg rubber roller at a rate of 61 cm per minute."

"Measurements were taken(測定を実施、行う)to determine whether a drop in adhesion value occurred due to undesirable contamination of the adhesive surface by the release coating of the release liner. These measurements were also carried out(測定を実施)at 23°C and 50 percent relative humidity. At least two measurements were made(測定を実施)for each Example and Comparative Example, and the resulting data are reported as an average of all measurements. Measurements were made in g/inch and converted to(変換;*換算)N/dm."

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2017-05-18 17:02:03 | 英語特許散策

"18. A method of manufacturing a glass sheet including guiding the glass sheet, wherein guiding the glass sheet comprises the steps of: providing a guidance member extending adjacent a conveyance path; providing a first holding structure supporting a first end portion of the guidance member; providing a second holding structure supporting a second end portion of the guidance member such that a length of the guidance member spans between跨る)the first holding structure and the second holding structure adjacent the conveyance path; unwinding the guidance member from the first holding structure and winding the guidance member onto the second holding structure; traversing the length of the guidance member and the glass sheet in a common direction of the conveyance path, wherein the length of the guidance member guides the glass sheet along the conveyance path."

"1. One or more computer-readable media(媒体;*複数形。mediumsの場合もある。なぜ"one or more"?)having computer-executable instructions embodied(格納)thereon that, when executed, perform a method for communicating across a network connection established between a plurality of endpoints residing in(存在する)disparate networks, the method comprising:
providing the network connection that spans between間に跨る)a source endpoint and a destination endpoint, wherein the network connection operates as a transport control protocol (TCP)-based tunnel that bridges(橋渡し)the disparate networks at which the source endpoint and the destination endpoint reside, respectively;
selectively disabling one or more lower-level reliability mechanisms that are integrally running on(実行されている)the TCP-based tunnel; and
communicating(送信)messages between the first endpoint and the second endpoint through the tunnel without the one or more lower-level reliability mechanisms interfering with a timing at which the messages are sent."

"1. A cassette for retaining a slab gel to be used as an electrophoretic separation medium, said cassette comprising first and second rectangular plates, each with opposing parallel lateral edges and opposing parallel end edges, said lateral edges on one of said plates being raised and welded to said lateral edges on the other of said plates to define a slab-shaped gel space between said plates, and one of said end edges being sufficiently thick to span said gel space(空間に跨る)and having a slot-shaped opening aligned with(位置合せ)said gel space, said slot- shaped opening surrounded by(包囲)a smooth peripheral surface with no surface discontinuities."

"1. A LED display comprising: a plurality of LED modules, each LED module including a module housing supporting a plurality of colored LEDs; a support structure for the plurality of LED modules of the display comprising: a first pair of parallel cables; a first set of rigid links, extending between the cables(ケーブル間に跨る)of the first cable pair; a second pair of parallel cables, the cables of the second cable pair being parallel to the cables of the first cable pair; a second set of rigid links, extending between the cables of the second cable pair; wherein each LED module is mounted on one cable of the first cable pair and one cable of the second cable pair."

"20. The height control system according to claim 18 wherein the flexible strip is located on a shock absorber (27) for the trailing arm suspension and which extends between(跨る)trailing arm and the vehicle."

"A method and apparatus for forming a tamper resistant seal on a plastic bag containing a loaf of bread or other products is disclosed. The neck (125) of the bag (125b) is flattened, gripped between a pair of upper inboard and outboard(機内及び機外)gathering belts and a pair of lower inboard and outboard gathering belts adjacent opposite sides of a segment of the neck of the bag. A row of perforations(ミシン目の列)(132) is formed in the bag neck as the bag moves adjacent a roller provided with teeth or cutting elements. Heated air jets are directed to engage the segment of the bag bridging between(跨る)the inboard and the outboard gathering belts for fusing panels of the bag together to form a sealed strip spaced from the row of perforations in the bag neck to facilitate removal of the sealed strip from the bag."

"16. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein said first and second conductive electrodes are provided on the dielectric material, which is contiguous with(跨る)both the first and second electrodes."

"The present invention relates to apipe coupling (100) comprising: a tubular(管状)casing (102), having a longitudinal(長手方向)gap between a first free end and a second free end; a tensioning system comprising: a first pivoting member(枢動部材)(106); a second pivoting member (108) having a projection(突起)located at(位置付け)a distal end(遠位端部)of the second pivoting member; a bridge plate (114) located inside the casing for spanning跨る)the longitudinal gap between the first free end and the second free end of the tubular casing; at least one fastener(110); and means for restraining radially(半径方向)the projection of the second pivoting member relative to the first pivoting member. Upon tightening the fasteners, the first pivoting member and the second pivoting member pivot about the projection(突起を支点に枢動), such that each proximal end of the first pivoting member and the second pivoting member are drawn together(同士が接近)to both tighten the casing around the outer surface of the pipe and to(*toの繰り返し)apply a radial force(半径方向力;*不定冠詞)to the bridge plate."

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