山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Cherry Blossom Viewing Potluck at Joyama Park on April 5, 2015(Niimi English Salon #250)

2015-03-19 05:34:01 | 日記
We are going to have a cherry blossom viewing potluck picnic at Joyama Park on April 5, 2015 to commemorate the 250th Niimi English Salon, weather permitting.

I do hope the cherry blossom in the park is in full bloom then.

(This is a photo of the cherry blossom in Joyama Park last year.)

Anyone can join the party starting noon!

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« 第250回新見英語サロン(お花... | トップ | 新見公立大学・新見公立短期... »

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No Cherry Blossom Viewing Potluck Today(April 5, 2015) (Kiyoshi Yamauchi)
2015-04-05 08:55:31
As weather does not permit, we have to cancel today's cherry blossom viewing potluck. Who is the rain man/woman?

