山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Niimi English Salon #143(NIEA's English Lesson #3)

2011-11-24 05:37:36 | 日記
On November 15, we had Niimi English Salon #143(Niimi International Exchange Association's English Lesson #3).

Five ALTs in Niimi (Andrew, Caroline, Donald, Elizabeth, and Melissa) came and supported us.

The theme of this lesson was restaurant English.

First, we practiced my original dialogue:

(On the telephone)
Waitress: Hello, Niimi Oishi Restaurant. How may I help you?
Taizo: Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for three at 7:00 pm this evening.
Waitress: All right. Your name, please?
Taizo: My name is Taizo TABE.
Waitress: Taizo Tobe?
Taizo: No, Tobe.
Waitress: How do you spell your last name?
Taizo: T-A-B-E.
Waitress: What is your contact number?
Taizo: 0867-72-0634.
Waitress: All right, Mr. Tabe. We will see you at 7:00 pm. this evening.
at Niimi Oishi Restaurant
Taizo: Hello. My name is Taizo TABE. We have made a reservation for three at 7.
Waitress: Oh, hello. Please come this way. This is your table. Here’s a menu
for you. I will be back later.
(After a few minutes)
Waitress: Are you ready to order?
Taizo: Yes. I’ll have the Chiya-gyu steak special.
Waitress: How would you like your steak?
Taizo: I like it medium-rare, please.
*rare<medium rare<medium<well-done
I will have some wine too. What is your recommendation?
Waitress: Tetta Wine 2003 goes well with Chiya-gyu beef.
Taizo: OK, I will have that.
Waitress: Anything else?
Taizo: Not right now.
- - - - - - -
Waitress: Here’s your Chiya-gyu steak special. Enjoy.
Taizo: Thank you.
- - - - - - -
Waitress: Is everything all right?
Taizo: Yes, everything is very good, thanks.
- - - - - - -
Taizo: I would like to have some dessert. May I have the dessert menu?
Waitress: Here you are.
Taizo: OK, I’ll have Pione ice cream.
- - - - - - -
Taizo: Check, please.
Waitress: Here’s your check.

In this conversation, I use the word "waitress", but the word "server" is often used now.

<img src="http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/4c/70/ec0823afb14258154b181057fa5dce6a.jpg" border="0">

After that, we practiced food-related words with the flash cards Elizabeth brought for us.

After increasing our vocabulary, we practiced restaurant English conversation with copies of real restaurant menues which I collected from my travels in English-spaking countries.

The ALTs acted as servers in this practice.

We had a fun lesson on restaurant English.
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