


2013-02-05 10:33:53 | Telegraph (UK)
Freedom from sexual diseases sparked the sexual revolution of the 60s
By Hayley Dixon
Telegraph: 11:24AM GMT 04 Feb 2013
Freedom from the fear of sexual diseases rather than pregnancy sparked the sexual revolution before the 60s even started swinging, researchers have found.


Sexual liberation actually began in the so-called decade of conformity, the 1950s, when "risky sexual behaviour" peaked as the widespread use of penicillin brought down levels of syphilis by 95 per cent.


Free love has become synonymous with the 60s - fuelled by the introduction of the pill and a heady mix of sex, drugs and rock and roll.


But by looking at historical data from the last 70 years, researchers found that it was actually the 1950s when levels of illegitimate and teen births, as well as cases of gonorrhoea, surged to record highs.


Economist Andrew Francis from Emory University, in Atlanta, who carried out the study, said: "As soon as syphilis bottoms out, in the mid- to late-1950s, you start to see dramatic increases in all three measures of risky sexual behaviour.


"It's a common assumption that the sexual revolution began with the permissive attitudes of the 1960s and the development of contraceptives like the birth control pill.


"The evidence, however, strongly indicates that the widespread use of penicillin, leading to a rapid decline in syphilis during the 1950s, is what launched the modern sexual era."


Comparing sexual behaviour to economic law, he added: "People don't generally think of sexual behaviour in economic terms. But it's important to do so because sexual behaviour, just like other behaviours, responds to incentives."


Known as the AIDS of the 30's and 40s, syphilis caused blindness, dementia and paralysis, and at its peak killed around 20,000 people a year in the United States alone.


Though discovered over 30 years earlier, penicillin was not used to treat sexual transmitted disease until after the Second World War, having been used on troops overseas.


In the 10 years after penicillin became widely available, the rate of syphilis deaths dropped by 95 per cent, described as a "collapse" by researchers.


Professor Francis said: "The military wanted to rid the troops of STDs and all kinds of infections, so that they could keep fighting. That really sped up the development of penicillin as an antibiotic."


While the sex, drugs and rock and roll of the sixties and seventies were given the credit for ushering in the sexual revolution, the role in penicillin had been previously overlooked.


"The 1950s are associated with prudish, more traditional sexual behaviours," Professor Francis notes


"That may have been true for many adults, but not necessarily for young adults. It's important to recognise how reducing the fear of syphilis affected sexual behaviours."


He said the findings are significant in the fight against HIV and AIDS.


He said: "Some studies have indicated that the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy for treating HIV may have caused some men who have sex with men to be less concerned about contracting and transmitting HIV, and more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviours".


"Policy makers need to take into consideration behavioural responses to changes in the cost of disease, and implement strategies that are holistic and long sighted.


"To focus exclusively on the defeat of one disease can set the stage for the onset of another if pre-emptive measures are not taken."



