


2020-11-06 08:48:20 | 日記


今天的便當是自製的蘑菇煮飯。 昨晚我設置了一個自動電鍋,然後上床睡覺了。 今天早上,即使預定時間超過30分鐘,我還是繼續加熱,我等不及了,就被迫退出了。 當我打開蓋子時,我燒焦了。 我吃了燒焦的部分作為早餐,但太硬了,我的下巴累了。

Today's box lunch is seasoned steamed rice with vegetables and meat of private cultivation shiitake mushroom. I established an automatic rice cooker over last night and slept. Even if It passed the scheduled time for 30 minutes this morning, It kept heating it, so I can't wait, I made them abort it. If a lid was lifted, a great deal of burns were done. The part which burned was eaten as breakfast, but a jaw is too hard, and tired.