Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The consequences of British style multiculturalism?

2017年07月15日 08時04分44秒 | Weblog






"Acid throwing is a way of showing dominance, power and control, building enormous fear among gang peer groups," he says.
Gang members know there are advantages in using acid to hurt someone rather than a knife because "the charges are more serious if you are caught with a knife and the tariff for prison sentences are much higher".
Dr Harding added that "acid is likely to attract a 'GBH with intent' charge while using a knife is more likely to lead to the attacker being charged with attempted murder"
"There's no specific offence of throwing acid. It's a harder offence to prove because there is rarely any DNA evidence and its much easier to dispose of a plastic bottle than it is a knife."




The first step to take if someone has been attacked with acid is to make sure the area around them is safe and to take measures, such as wearing gloves, so you don’t come into contact with the chemical.

“If the chemical is in powder form, it can be brushed off of the skin,” said the advice from St John’s Ambulance.

The charity warned people not to waste time searching for an antidote to the chemical, and not to attempt to neutralise burns caused by acids or alkalis unless properly trained.

The most effective action to take is to try and flood the burn with water to disperse the chemical and stop the burning, it said. Bottled water is fine for this if it is the only thing to hand.

Try and douse the burn with water for at least 20 minutes, ensuring that no contaminated puddles are allowed to collect under the victim.

While flooding the injury, try and gently remove any clothing with the substance on it and call an ambulance as soon as possible, while checking the casualty is still breathing and responsive.

If the substance has entered the victim’s eyes, hold their eye under gently running cold water for at least 10 minutes, thoroughly irrigating the eyelid both inside and out, said the first aid experts.

Do not allow the casualty to touch the injured eye, as they may have acid on their hands, and do not forcibly remove a contact lens.






