Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Wonder Why Penn & Kingston won't Stand Up for Korean Sex Slaves

2019年07月18日 21時07分15秒 | Weblog
Shingetsu News Agency
2時間前 ·

SNA Feature Article: "Global Progressives Must Stand Up for Okinawa" by Darcy Miller

Global Progressives Must Stand Up for Okinawa | SNA Japan

If progressives truly believe in our values of freedom of expression, equal opportunity, and security, we must stand in solidarity with the Okinawan people.

We must also stand in solidarity with former Korean sex slaves for U.S.military and Lai Dai Han

I wonder Wonder Why Penn & Kingston won't Stand Up for Korean Sex Slaves

Modern-Day Comfort Women:
The U.S. Military, Transnational Crime,
and the Trafficking of Women

Must Read: America's comfort women 1

Justice for Lai Dai Han accused Korean soldiers of thousands of rapes against Vietnamese women.

Must-Watch: The time will come when you know how hypocritical Jeff Kingston and others are


