Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

有道ブログ ーーー日本はおこちゃま

2008年07月14日 19時26分56秒 | Weblog
Japan Times prints letter with big stripey lie about Summit airport ID checkpoints
Japan Times prints letter with big stripey lie about Summit airport ID checkpoints

Posted by debito on July 14th, 2008
MD Says:
July 14th, 2008 at 6:41 pm

I don’t get why so many NJ are willing to defend Japan’s institutional racism towards themselves with any excuse possible. I’ve seen it quite a bit both in Japan and in Canada. It seems every time I point out some thing that Japan does that isn’t good, they jump on their feet and say things like ‘its because white people can’t behave properly in bars’ (they say this even if they’re white)
I mean I like Japan. I really enjoy going there a few times a year, that’s not what I’m saying. But that doesn’t mean I have to take everything that happens there and pretend its not a problem, because there are glaring problems that need fixing. I will never understand that overprotective attitude some NJ have about Japan… either you like everything about it, or you’re a ‘hater’, apparently.

But parents who really love their kids are going to find fault with said kids to help those faults improve, no? It’s not because a parent tells their kid that they have to stop throwing food around that they hate their kid. They point it out because they want their kid to become better kids.


1) 日本に関して欠点をいうと「白人がバーでも行儀良くできないからだ」と、白人までもいう。
2) 子供を愛しているなら親はちゃんと叱るように、日本についてもちゃんと叱らなくては駄目だ、


 白人ー日本人を親ー子供と比定した点について、有道くんからめずらしく注意がきている。有道くんはアメリカー日本 をクリプトン星ー地球と比定していたのだから、こういうコメントが彼のブログででてくるのはわからなくもないのだが・・・・




