Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

84 percent of Americans now see North Korea as a threat to the United States

2017年09月24日 13時44分29秒 | Weblog

A person who is generally unpredictable and has no defined role in a group of friends, and their often reckless and wacky behavior can either benefit or hurt the group depending on the situation.


North Korea

A record 84 percent of Americans now see North Korea as a threat to the United States, and 70 percent see it as a serious threat; both have been high, but not quite this high, in four ABC/Post polls since 2003. While Trump is seen as a wildcard – as noted, 62 percent don’t trust him to handle it responsibly – that’s even more so for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Eighty-nine percent don’t trust him on the issue.

Tougher sanctions are by far the preferred approach in dealing with the situation, with 76 percent support. Backing for other responses falls below half: Forty-three percent for discontinuing joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises, 39 percent for air strikes on North Korean military targets and 32 percent for offering North Korea financial incentives.

Showing a hardening of attitudes, support for offering North Korea aid or trade incentives to give up its nuclear weapons has fallen sharply since tensions last were this high in 2005, from 51 percent then to 32 percent now. Concurrently, support for a U.S. strike on North Korean military targets has grown sharply, about doubling from 20 percent in 2005.

Still, however, 67 percent say any U.S. strike should be retaliatory only, while just 23 percent favor a preemptive attack. A central reason is that 82 percent think a U.S. first strike could risk starting a larger war in East Asia; 69 percent see this as a major risk.

Compared with 12 years ago, the rise in support for air strikes is broadly based, excluding younger adults (under 40) and liberals. It’s up 34 points among Republicans and 21 to 27 points among conservatives, adults age 40 and older and political moderates. Declines in support for aid or trade incentives, while again broadly based, are largest among Republicans, conservatives and whites, down 29, 26 and 25 points, respectively.



