Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

British firms make billions from sales to repressive regimes and fuel Isis

2015年07月04日 23時50分19秒 | Weblog
British arms sales to the Middle East are probably fuelling Isis, says Jeremy Corbyn

British firms make billions from sales to repressive regimes
JON STONE Author Biography Friday 03 July 2015




2015年07月04日 23時40分55秒 | Weblog




2015年07月04日 23時13分38秒 | Weblog









安倍政権下のシングルマザーの声 「死ねって、言ってるようなものですね」

2015年07月04日 09時57分07秒 | Weblog
The Huffington Post | 執筆者: Kazuhiko Kuze
投稿日: 2015年07月03日 11時47分 JST

みわよしこ [フリーランス・ライター] 【第14回】 2015年7月3日



2015年07月04日 09時31分37秒 | Weblog
2015.7.3 19:42
首相、陳謝も民主政権に皮肉? 「安倍政権はどこかの会社を排除したことない」





Americans don’t get irony; Brits don’t get joke

2015年07月04日 09時10分07秒 | Weblog

The Difference Between American and British Humour
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais Nov. 9, 2011

There’s a received wisdom in the U.K. that Americans don’t get irony. This is of course not true. But what is true is that they don’t use it all the time. It shows up in the smarter comedies but Americans don’t use it as much socially as Brits. We use it as liberally as prepositions in every day speech. We tease our friends. We use sarcasm as a shield and a weapon. We avoid sincerity until it’s absolutely necessary. We mercilessly take the piss out of people we like or dislike basically. And ourselves. This is very important. Our brashness and swagger is laden with equal portions of self-deprecation. This is our license to hand it out.

This can sometimes be perceived as nasty if the recipients aren’t used to it. It isn’t. It’s play fighting. It’s almost a sign of affection if we like you, and ego bursting if we don’t. You just have to know which one it is.






"Women and children’s bodies were sold in prostitution for a price of a hamburger"

2015年07月04日 03時15分09秒 | Weblog

“Years of the United States’ domination of our economy, influence in politics and culture, and military intervention, have proved that friendship isn’t the sane word to describe the US-PH relationship. Slavery is much more precise,” LFS national spokesperson Charlotte Velasco said.
“The friendship between the Philippines and the US has always been a highly unequal one — highly beneficial to US imperialists and most detrimental to the Filipino people,” said Roger Soluta, secretary-general of Kilusang Mayo Uno.
“Activists and patriots have always considered this so-called friendship as sham and unequal, favoring the stronger and more powerful USA,” Joms Salvador, secretary-general of women’s group Gabriela, said during the protest action.

They quoted Jose Maria Sison’s summary of ‘this horrible secret’: “The US started to unleash a war of aggression against the Filipino people on February 4, 1899. This has come to be known as the Filipino-American War. The US used superior military force and extreme barbarity of more than 126,000 troops to conquer the nation of 7,000,000 people. It ruthlessly carried out massacres, the torture of captives, the re-concentration of population, scorched earth tactics and food blockades. It killed more than 700,000 or 10 per cent of the Filipino people from 1899 to 1902, directly through its brutal operations and indirectly through consequent famines and epidemics. Likewise, it proceeded to kill 800,000 Filipinos up to 1916.”
In 1946, amid persistent efforts to achieve independence, Filipinos were “granted” what amounted to a mere “nominal” independence. Activists said one “puppet government” after another have from then on resided in Malacañang and crafted and implemented laws frustrating the peoples’ quest for genuine independence.

“An Amboy [American boy] that he is, Aquino, like his predecessors, has abandoned the interest of the Filipino people and offered our sovereignty, our women and children to the US on a silver platter. Regardless of the costs to women and children, as our experience during the time of the US bases taught us, Aquino is determined to take his place as his US master’s favored,” Salvador of Gabriela said.

Similar protest activities were also held in the cities of Iloilo, Baguio, Naga, and Davao, the Kabataan Partylist said in a statement.

Mindful of US imperialist’s mythmaking abilities, Contend is asking the Filipino people to recognize that “the Americans had succeeded through massive public colonial education to distort our history, to produce un-Filipino Filipinos who love the Americans more than our motherland, and to indoctrinate citizens who worship the supposedly superior American way of life.”

U.S. Military Bases and The Derogation of Women’s Rights in the Philippines

Do People in the Philippines Appreciate What the U.S. Does for (to) Them?

By Liza L. Maza
Global Research, June 11, 2015

Having been colonized by Spain for 300 years, by the US for more than 40 years and occupied by Japan during WWII, the Filipino people have a long history of struggle for peace that is inextricably linked to the struggle for national sovereignty, social justice and genuine freedom. The Filipino women were at the forefront of these struggles and played important and leading roles.

Despite formal independence in 1946, our country remains a neo-colony of the US. The US still dominates our economic, political, and socio-cultural life. One of the most telling manifestations of such control was the US occupation for almost a century of our prime lands to maintain its military facilities including two of its largest military bases outside its territory - the Subic Bay Naval base and the Clark Air base. These bases served as springboard for US interventionist war in Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East.

The sites of these US bases became haven for the ‘rest and recreation’ industry where women and children’s bodies were sold in prostitution for a price of a hamburger; where women were viewed as mere sex objects and the culture of violence against women pervaded; and where thousands of Amer-Asian children were left impoverished and abandoned by their American fathers.

なぜ、ファクラー記者やタブチ記者らは、こうした the downtrodden 虐げられた人々のうったえに冷淡でいられるのだろうか?--ー異様だ。


(慰安婦、性奴隷、歴史問題 フィリピン)

The truth behind The Rape of Berlin

2015年07月04日 02時55分11秒 | Weblog
The truth behind The Rape of Berlin
As Europe was being liberated from Fascism at the end of World War II, what has been referred to as one of the most infamous incidents of mass rape in modern history was underway.

By Lucy Ash12:01AM BST 02 May 2015





2015年07月04日 02時38分03秒 | Weblog

Robert Geller

@rjgeller Robert Gellerさんがリツイートしました Cat in the Blue Sky
アメリカには記者クラブ制度はありませんが、政府の情報を垂れ流さない記者は政府から情報を得なくなります。結局、アメリカの報道の大部分は「アクセス・ジャナリズム」となります。日本のマスコミと大した違いはありませんね。 Robert Gellerさんが追加
Cat in the Blue Sky @catbsky
’@rjgeller 確かに1年間は短すぎますね。因みにアルジャジーラの特集をコーディネートしたのは記者クラブと対立する自由報道協会の上杉隆(番組内にも登場)。政府の報道圧力と記者クラブ問題を混同する詐欺ですね。記者クラブを擁護しているのは、政府よりも寧ろ大手メディアでしょう。
お気に入り ヤクザ@紳士はるきちtametata誤ロン丹野順一koyちゃんふみや斉藤 淳ようげん@アコギ
21:06 - 2015年7月2日
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録
Cat in the Blue Sky @catbsky 13 時間13 時間前
’@rjgeller 米国では記者クラブが無い代わりに、記者の身元チェックを政府が厳重にやっています。日本政府は記者クラブに丸投げなので、大手メディアによってフリーが弾かれる。記者クラブを無くしても、記者の選別は必要なわけで、それを政府がやるか大手メディアがやるかの違いですね。
22件のリツイート 7件のお気に入り
返信 リツイート22 お気に入りに登録7
Cat in the Blue Sky @catbsky 13 時間13 時間前
’@rjgeller 近年、ブロガー記者の増加により、フリー記者の選別が困難になってます。外国特派員協会では、正会員として要件を満たさない素人記者が副会長になり、会長選に出馬しようとさえして問題になりました。記者クラブにしろ外国特派員協会にしろ、明確な選定基準を開示すべきでしょう
23件のリツイート 5件のお気に入り
返信 リツイート23 お気に入りに登録5
Isibasi @Cisibasi 4 時間4 時間前
@rjgeller @co2tw 海外ではフリーであろうが、プレスルームにコーヒーや食事すら置いてあるし、LAN等のネットも使えます。


Access journalism refers to the compromises journalists must make in order to have access to sources and places that would be denied them, were they to offend those who control access. When Eason Jordan admitted in 2003 at the invasion of Iraq, that CNN had systematically avoided reporting negative things about Sadam for the previous 12 years, in order to be allowed to stay in Iraq, he essentially revealed how deeply CNN had compromised journalistic values for the sake of being able to continue reporting from a given place. The history of Stalinism as reported in the Western press is a classic product of access journalism, closely controlled by Soviet officials.

Access journalism often involves self-censorship, in which the journalists voluntarily ceases to speak of issues that might embarrass their hosts. The problem with access journalism is that at some level every reporter has to play the game… a remorselessly hostile reporter at the White House will not get called on. The question is, how do we define the ethical limits, and how does the public, the consumers of journalistic reports, deal with the inevitable tendency of some reporters to step over the lines, even generously drawn.







2015年07月04日 01時33分40秒 | Weblog
Gackt lashes out at Cool Japan: “Almost no results of Japanese culture exported overseas”

日刊スポーツ 6月30日(火)18時14分配信



