Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Multiculturalism means that mistrust prevails,parallel societies are forming

2013年12月07日 10時41分06秒 | Weblog

French Philosopher Finkielkraut: 'There Is a Clash of Civilizations'

Interview Conducted by Mathieu von Rohr and Romain Leick


SPIEGEL: Why is that? Post-national and multicultural sounds rather promising.

Finkielkraut: It is presented to us as the model for the future. But multiculturalism does not mean that cultures blend. Mistrust prevails, communitarianism is rampant -- parallel societies are forming that continuously distance themselves from each other.

SPIEGEL: Aren't you giving in here to the right-wingers' fears of demise?

Finkielkraut: The lower middle classes -- the French that one no longer dares to call Français de souche (ethnic French) -- are already moving out of the Parisian suburbs and farther into the countryside. They have experienced that in some neighborhoods they are the minority in their own country. They are not afraid of the others, but rather of becoming the others themselves.


Finkielkraut: Immigration used to go hand-in-hand with integration into French culture. That was the rule of the game. Many of the new arrivals no longer want to play by that rule. If the immigrants are in the majority in their neighborhoods, how can we integrate them? There used to be mixed marriages, which is crucial to miscegenation. But their numbers are declining. Many Muslims in Europe are re-Islamizing themselves. A woman who wears the veil effectively announces that a relationship with a non-Muslim is out of the question for her.


Finkielkraut: The left wanted to resolve the problem of immigration as a social issue, and proclaimed that the riots in the suburbs were a kind of class struggle. We were told that these youths were protesting against unemployment, inequality and the impossibility of social advancement. In reality we saw an eruption of hostility toward French society. Social inequality does not explain the anti-Semitism, nor the misogyny in the suburbs, nor the insult "filthy French." The left does not want to accept that there is a clash of civilizations.


SPIEGEL: In the US the coexistence of communities works better. The Americans don't have this European adherence to a national uniform culture.


Finkielkraut: The US sees itself as a country of immigration, and what is impressive about this truly multicultural society is the strength of its patriotism





Finkielkraut: No, I would never do that because this party appeals to people's base instincts and hatred. And these are easy to kindle among its supporters. We can't leave these issues to the National Front. It would also be up to the left, the party of the people, to take seriously the suffering and anxiety of ordinary people.


SPIEGEL: When you see all these problems in France -- the debts, unemployment, educational crisis, identity crisis -- do you fear for the future?

Finkielkraut: I become sad and feel a growing sense of anxiety. Optimism would seem a bit ridiculous these days. I wish the politicians were able to speak the truth and look reality in the face. Then, I believe, France would be capable of a true awakening -- of contemplating a policy of civilization.


It is easy to dismiss the majority of U.S. college instructors, without warning.

2013年12月07日 09時28分48秒 | Weblog
The Strange Case of Professor Veldhuis

Another adjunct loses his job for no reason―this time in the middle of the semester.

By Rebecca Schuman

Stefan Veldhuis, a devoutly Christian single father of two and a popular adjunct professor of political science at Chaffey College (a two-year public institution in Southern California), received an unexpected phone call on Nov. 27. He was dismissed, as of that moment, with less than a month left in the semester. No reason was given for his termination. His institutional email account was cut off immediately; he was not allowed back on the property. He has no way of contacting the students he has been working with for over two months―not to say goodbye, not even to update them on their grades.

You might think that university professors, with their precious tenure, are difficult to fire―but of course, most professors are untenured, so in reality, it is extraordinarily easy to dismiss the vast majority of U.S. college instructors, without warning, without severance, and without recourse to due process. The saga of Stefan Veldhuis points out how tenuous the livelihood of adjunct professors really is―no matter how good they are, or how much their students love them, it’s often easier to dump adjuncts (even midsemester) than it is to address their issues fairly.

When Americans think of college professors, they often think of people who can’t be fired even if they deserve it. But this could not be further from the truth. More than 75 percent of college instructors in the United States work off the tenure track, and most of these “contingent” employees are adjuncts on semester-long contracts like Veldhuis. (And like me.) The vast majority of adjuncts are “at-will” workers, with no organization to represent them. Their contracts do not afford them due process, even if they are accused of something absurd.

So what? American employees get fired and escorted out by security all the time. 






US officials are apparently A-OK with the secrecy bill

2013年12月07日 08時27分15秒 | Weblog
Foreign Policy

In Japan’s State Secrets Law, Shades of Red, White and Blue
Posted By Catherine A. Traywick

Thursday, December 5, 2013 - 3:27 PM


There used to be a saying among Washington bureaucrats: A great way to leak information is to pass it along to Tokyo. Once hailed as a "spy's paradise" because of its weak state secrecy laws, Japan is trying to reform its reputation as an information sieve with a hotly contested measure that would bring Japanese law more in line with U.S. national security policy -- perhaps with troubling implications.

The bill, which will likely pass Japan's upper house this week, would give agency heads discretionary power to classify 23 types of information in four categories -- defense, diplomacy, counter-terrorism, and counter-intelligence -- and stiffens penalties for leaking state secrets, even in cases of journalists exposing wrongdoing. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has insisted that the law is necessary if Japan is to maintain effective diplomatic partnerships with the United States and other allies.

Washington, for its part, has long supported stronger secrecy laws in Japan, if only to make it easier for the two nations to share information. In 2011, when the NSA asked Japan's government to help wiretap fiber-optic cables to gather information about Beijing, Japan refused the request, citing legal restrictions and a lack of infrastructure. "It's clear that the United States has for a long time been unimpressed with Japan's capability to protect classified information," Richard Samuels, the director of MIT's Center for International Studies, told Foreign Policy.

The proposed state secrets law could open up the possibility of sharing more sensitive intelligence information than what is accomplished through the two existing agreements.



The state secrets bill similarly seems to resemble U.S. policy. American officials and agency heads enjoy wide leeway when it comes to what information can be withheld from the public. Classification of sensitive information is based on executive order, rather than on law, meaning that the executive branch can more or less classify anything officials feel is justified by national security needs. While the Freedom of Information Act allows for the disclosure of most government records, matters of national security are exempt from FOIA disclosure. The Obama administration, moreover, has taken a hard line on leaks, attempting to prosecute an unprecedented number of suspected leakers.

Under Japan's proposed law, penalties for leaking state secrets are comparable to those mandated by U.S. law and are more severe than those imposed by other U.S. allies like Britain, Germany, and France.
Despite the similarities, policy changes under Abe, though derided by many as authoritarian, aren't new -- and they aren't exclusively at the behest of the United States, either. Samuels argues that Abe's administration has been moving away from a strict interpretation of its pacifist constitution and easing restraints on its military for decades. "China's rise and the U.S.'s decline has accelerated this," he said, "but it is just a continuation of a trend." Lawrence Repeta, a law professor at Meiji University in Tokyo, echoed that point, telling FP that Abe's party has been pushing for tighter secrecy laws since the 1980s. And while the secrecy bill isn't an explicit attempt to "harmonize" with U.S. policy, he said, Japan's frame of reference nevertheless remains the American model: "A vast information bureaucracy ... with severe criminal punishment for the leakers who get caught."


The bill's treatment of journalists, however, far exceeds what would be deemed acceptable in the United States, where freedom of the press is constitutionally protected. Under the measure, state employees who share classified information with journalists face up to 10 years in prison, and reporters can be prosecuted for encouraging the leaking of information, with no protection for whistleblowers whose leaks serve the public good.













Repeta notes, for example, that between 2006 and 2011, the Defense Ministry destroyed 35,000 classified documents rather than release them once their secrecy designation expired. Secrets designated under the proposed measure would also be exempt from the public records law.


毎日新聞 2013年09月23日 07時30分




特定秘密、保存期間中の文書廃棄可能 政府答弁書
2013/12/6 20:31 (2013/12/6 23:55更新)




Despite this apparent conflict with America's democratic commitment to press freedom, US officials are apparently A-OK with the bill. "From Washington's perspective, [the law] seems to be a development that will allow allies to work together more closely," Samuels said. Whether the trade-off is worth it, is up for debate. Denny Roy, a security expert with the East West Center, put it this way: "Would you rather have Japan as a friendly dictator able to go to war with you -- even if it doesn't live up to your democratic values -- or would you rather have a pacifistic Japan that has limitations in terms of military ability?"





2013年12月07日 05時27分28秒 | Weblog

Simon Price
Fuck off Cameron, trying to co-opt Mandela now. The Conservative Party you joined actively propped up the regime that kept him behind bars.



UK Prime Minister認証済みアカウント

The South African and Union flags are flying at half-mast above Downing Street. #Mandela pic.twitter.com/4FlrKI7lI0



China’s propaganda presentation contains three themes

2013年12月07日 04時46分38秒 | Weblog
China’s East China Sea ADIZ: Framing Japan to Help Washington Understand

Publication: China Brief Volume: 13 Issue: 24December 5, 2013 04:04 PM Age: 8 hrs
By: Peter Mattis

via mozu

China’s propaganda presentation contains three themes relevant to the United States and aimed at driving a wedge between it and Japan. Although none of these are necessarily new, the ADIZ declaration offered an opportunity to use them within the context of an emerging crisis:

Japan, not China, is the threat to regional peace and stability
Washington is failing to live up to its commitments in the post-World War II world
Tokyo is dragging the United States toward conflict








 いずれにせよ、ここは、耐えがたきを耐え 忍び難きを忍び、アメリカに頭を下げて、力を貸してもらい、かつ、積極的にチベット、ウイグル、モンゴルなどの平和に手を貸して、弾圧された民族に自由をもたらして、中国に正気にもどってもらうしかなかろう。


囲師は周することなかれ 窮寇は追ることなかれ

2013年12月07日 03時46分15秒 | Weblog
the diplomat
With ADIZ, China Emerges As Regional Rule-Maker
More ADIZs will follow as China goes further in setting up its own rules in its near abroad.

By Jin Kai
December 06, 2013

One of the main implications of China’s move is that it has been taking every chance to change its role from that of a humble and obedient follower of U.S.-dominated regional and international orders, to that of a new player in the current multiple rule-making processes.


However, China is also running the risk of unifying regional powers– like the U.S., Japan, and probably South Korea– against it.







neither Beijing nor Tokyo or Washington are seeking a military confrontation. Regional military conflict on the East China Sea will undoubtedly be a total disaster for not only East Asia but also the whole world, given East Asian countries’ important roles in the world economy. Hence, all parties, more or less, are playing a game of pride and “face.” Still, all parties are prepared for possible miscalculation and the resulting escalation.


Chinese ancient strategist Sun Tzu told us that “when you surround an army, leave an outlet free” (in Chinese, 围师必阙). This might provide a ray of hope for creating and maintaining peace on East China Sea: leaving an outlet would allow all involved parties a chance to deescalate. Beijing, Tokyo, and Washington should take care not to pass the point of no return.


Ⅶ-36. When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.

Ⅶ-36. 囲師は周することなかれ、窮寇(きゅうこう)は追ることなかれ、



米大統領はiPhone 禁止記事 Gigazine が毎日を下す。

2013年12月07日 02時33分34秒 | Weblog
2013年12月05日 14時23分

12月4日、オバマ米大統領は、米アップルの携帯電話「iPhone(アイフォーン)」の使用を「セキュリティー上の理由」で許可されていないと明らかにした。ワシントンで撮影(2013年 ロイター/Kevin Lamarque)
 [ワシントン 4日 ロイター] -オバマ米大統領は4日、若者に医療保険改革法(オバマケア)をPRするための会合で、米アップル[AAPL.O]の携帯電話「iPhone(アイフォーン)」の使用を「セキュリティー上の理由」で許可されていないと明らかにした。



この点 gigazine

2013年12月05日 10時43分29秒



Obama Forbidden iPhone for Security Reasons

Looks like Blackberry will keep at least one loyal customer

By Nate Rawlings @naterawlings

Agence France-Presse reports that even though Blackberry has hemorrhaged market share to Apple and other tech firms, it’s still popular among officials in Washington because of its strong encryption. Around the time of his inauguration in 2009, Obama fought to keep his Blackberry; he has said he doesn’t want to be kept in the “White House bubble” where the majority of the president’s communications are filtered by staff and the media.



2013年12月07日 01時09分25秒 | Weblog

“Among those who are not overweight, and have a hard time understanding what it is like to be overweight, stigma feels like it would help other people’s result to eat less, since it strengthens their own.”

But these findings suggest that assumption is very wrong. If you think of yourself as overweight, and are reminded that people with extra pounds are often stereotyped, devalued, or ridiculed, chances are you’ll experience what researchers call a “social identity threat.” That can cause increased anxiety and a depletion of self-control, both of which can lead to―you guessed it―overeating.

So public-health campaigns aimed at reducing obesity need to emphasize the positive aspects to losing weight, rather than the negative aspects of being fat. Focusing on the latter can make weight loss that much more difficult.




