
Coração da copa do mundo - ワールドカップ期間限定感想文

Urawa Reds in Guangzhou 26th February(広州現地情報)

2013-01-06 23:06:00 | その他

AFCチャンピオンズリーグ グループリーグF
2月26日(火)[アウェイ] 広州恒大 vs 浦和レッズ(広州天河体育中心)

2月26日の広州恒大 (Guangzhou Evergrande) の現地情報を広州在住の知人(英国人)から入手しましたので、お伝えします。



こんにちは、イギリスのウェールズ生まれのダミアンともうします。2003年から2006年まで新越谷に住んでいて、浦和レッズのホームもアウェーの試合も追っかけていました。もしかしたら、X-Line group で私のことを覚えていらっしゃる方がいるかもしれません。


広州恒大 (Guangzhou Evergrande) は近年とてもリッチなクラブになっていて、中国国内のベストプレイヤーだけでなく、レベルの高い国際的なスター選手の補強までできるようになっています。クラブはこの2年間中国リーグを支配しており、今度こそはアジアチャンピオンを制することができると信じています。間違いなく、グループリーグにおいて広州が浦和の最大の難関になります。広州恒大は多数のサポーターを持っていて、通常の試合で4、5万人の動員があります。ただしサポーターグループの声の大きさも情熱も浦和と比べて大きくはなく、勉強中といったところでしょうか。


広州恒大のホームスタジアムは天河 (Tianhe) スタジアムと呼ばれています。天河区は広州市の地域の名前です。スタジアムは巨大なスポーツコンプレックス/パークの一角にあり、その周囲にはたくさんのモダンなショッピングモールや良質のレストランがあります(日本食、中華、イタリアン、韓国、米国料理..など)。コンビニも周辺にたくさんあります。





Hi, my name is Damian from Wales, UK. Between 2003-2006 I lived in Shin-Koshigaya and followed Urawa Reds at home and away. Some of you may remember me with the X-Line group. Anyway, I now live in Guangzhou and would like to offer you some advice about the football culture in this city.

In recent years, Guangzhou Evergrande have become a very rich club able to buy the best players domestically and also some high quality international stars. The club has dominated Chinese football for the past 2 years and is now confident that they can win the Asian Champions League. Make no mistake, Guangzhou will be Urawa's biggest challenge in this group. Guang zhou Evergrande also have a very large support base and usually gets between 40,000 - 50,000 for games. Although the support groups aren't as noisy or passionate as Urawa's, they continue to grow and learn.

If you are worrying about coming to Guangzhou/China for the game, then don't. Guangzhou is a modern, open-minded city and one that is safe for Japanese (Kashiwa Reysol and FC Tokyo fans had no problems here last year). However, the Chinese Super League clubs advise that away fans shouldn't wear their team's shirt until they are INSIDE the stadium. This should also apply to fans at Asian Champions League games . Although Guangzhou fans are not aggressive, perhaps this is a good idea for away fans.

Guangzhou Evergrande's home stadium is called Tianhe stadium and is in the Tianhe area of the city. The stadium is situated in a large sporting complex/park, while the surrounding area has many modern shopping malls and good quality restaurants (including Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Korean, American etc). There are also many convenience stores surrounding the area.

Below is a seating plan of Tianhe stadium. Away fans are always put in block 16. However, if Urawa bring more than 800 fans, then Urawa should have blocks 16 and 15, which can seat 1,600. This area has no roof, so if it rains, be prepared. Bottled drinks are not allowed into the stadium but paper/plastic cups are. Hopefully, water and coca cola will be provided inside the stadium for away fans. As for flags poles, obviously Urawa Reds club will have to ask Guangzhou Evergrande for permission.

If you have any more questions about Guangzhou city and the football culture in Guangzhou, please leave a message.
