karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Easter eggs

2012-04-14 16:43:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, in our Friday English Class,
our Americanteacher showed us how to make
Easter eggs.

We had been told to take some boiled white eggs.

1. She prepared some bowls of colored water.
(using a pill of coloring matter, vinegar and water)

2. We drew something on the eggs with a magic crayon.
It looked like a candle. We could not see what we drew
on the eggs.

3. We dipped the eggs into the colored water.

4. The eggs were all dyed leaving the lines we had drawn.

It's my first time to make Easter eggs.

A friend of mine gave me an Easter egg.
She is a Christian and this is what she made.
This beautifully decorated Easter egg is empty.

koharu liked it very much and put it in her doll house.

Our teacher gave us two boxes of Easter chocolate.
We enjoyed sweet Easter chocolate when we had a tea break.

Spring break is over.

2012-04-12 18:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Spring break is over and everything has started again.

Wow! Time flies and koharu is a junior high school student!
She was only 6 months old when I came to live in Tokyo.

On April 9th , koharu attended the entrance ceremony
of a public junior high school.

She made an address of pleasure as the representative
of the first year students.

koharu’s mother said, “koharu was not nervous at all.
Yes, she did it very well.” What a relief!

On April 10th, koharu’s mother was busy
and I stayed at her home.

Yesterday, I attended KIFA’s Wednesday English Class.
KIFA stands for Kodaira International Friendship Association.

This year we use a textbook titled ‘Person to Person.’

Our teacher told us to read a dialogue in the textbook
every day and learn it by heart by next Wednesday.

I’m sorry I have a very poor memory.
What shall I do?

Today a mini-concert was held in our Harmonica Circle.
I played the song ‘Home, Sweet Home’ on the harmonica.

Tomorrow I’ll attend Friday English Class.

Oh, I must boil an egg hard and bring it to the class.
We are going to make Easter eggs.

On Saturday I have an appointment with the dentist
to have a regular check.

Yes, I am busy every day and I like my way of life.

(cherry tree nearby)

walking in Hachioji

2012-04-08 23:42:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I joined ‘Green Road Walking Club’
and enjoyed walking in Hachioji.

We left the train at Nishi-Hachioji Station
on the Chuo Line.

Then we started walking—

宗格院(曹洞宗)⇒ 南浅川桜並木 ⇒
多摩御陵 ⇒ 多摩森林科学園 ⇒ 高尾駅

It was a little early to enjoy cherry blossoms.
It is cooler in Hachioji than in the area of Ueno.

Tama Forest Science Garden is famous for its
Cherry Preservation Forest but most cherry
trees are not in bloom.

I liked 南浅川桜並木 very much.

I walked 21445 steps in a day.

at Ueno Park

2012-04-07 23:18:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to the beauty salon in the morning
to have my hair cut and tinted.

In the afternoon, I hurried to Ueno Park to enjoy
cherry blossoms at their best.

Wow! Beautiful and crowded!

I walked along the main street with cherry blossoms
on both sides.

Everybody looked happy.

I enjoyed talking with an Australian group of 4 tourists.

One of them said to me,

“We came to Japan three days ago.
There was no sign that the cherry trees would be
in full bloom then.

Look, they are now soooo beautiful!
Amazing. I am happy to see them. ”

One of them asked me to take their picture
against the background of the cherry blossoms.

I was glad they thanked me so much.

After enjoying the cherry blossoms, I went to 国立西洋美術館
'The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo.'

and appreciated French landscape painter Hubert Robert'works.

I was interested in his drawing in red chalk.

The museum was open until 8:00p.m. on Friday.

There were very few people and I was happy
that I could appreciate his works to my heart’s content.

seeing a friend in Kunitachi

2012-04-04 08:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Kunitachi to see a friend of mine.

She gave me a call a few days ago.

She said to me, “I’ve been a little depressed
these days. I’d like to talk with you.

Would you please come to Kunitachi to see cherry

It’s too early for the cherry blossoms along 大学通り,

I told her that I would be very glad to see her.

We had lunch at a restaurant. She had a good appetite.
She didn’t look so depressed.

After lunch we enjoyed walking and talking on the wooded
campus of Hitotsubashi University.

( Mercury-- emblem of Hitotsubashi University)


I like the campus of Hitotsubashi University very much.
You can enjoy walking there whenever you want to.

Then we walked along 大学通り which is famous for its beautiful
cherry blossoms.

They will be at their best in a few days.

We enjoyed a long, long talk.

She looked refreshed but said she was afraid to go home
because she would be depressed again.

I hope she will be all right soon.

I walked 15330 steps in a day.