karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

What a beautiful country Japan is! (1)

2007-05-05 23:17:21 | ノンジャンル
Japan is full of beautiful scenery.
Wherever we may go, we see some attractive scenery,
don't we?

I made a two day bus tour to Hitsuji-yama Park in Saitama,
Mt. Shirane in Kusatsu, Gummma, and Kami-kouchi in Nagano.

Hitsuji-yama Park is famous for its beautiful shiba-zakura.
I enjoyed watching the pink ground in the park.

I saw much lingering snow at the top of Mt. Shirane.
The water of the crater was emerald green---
yes, the color of that valuable bright green stone.
Have you ever seen the crater of Mt. Shirane?
I saw it for the first time in my life.

Kami-kouchi is one of my favorite places.
When I visited it last year, I saw a lot of snow left.

But this time I saw little snow left.
Kami-kouchi was crowded with many tourist as usual.
I enjoyed walking there with a lady with 70-year-old lady.

There was an enormous traffic jam everywhere.
But I did not mind it at all.

(Hitsuji-yama koen)

(crater of Mt. Shirane)


outing to Sayama-koen

2007-05-01 22:59:47 | ノンジャンル
koharu went for a school outing to Sayama-koen.
koharu was too excited to have a good sleep.
She got up very early-- at five--this morning.

koharu told me---
It was cloudy today.
It began to rain when koharu was taking lunch.

There were a lot of trees in the park.
koharu had lunch under a tree.
Leaves kept her from getting wet.

koharu came home half past two in the afternoon.
She fell asleep as soon as she got home.
She slept for one and a half hours.

She took a bath as soon as she woke up.
Sound sleep and a comfortable bath refreshed her up.

(sky at 3:00 p.m.)