karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's flower

2006-04-20 23:17:15 | ノンジャンル
koharu fell from a certain equipment in the school
playground the day before yesterday. She hit her left
hip against the ground.

The doctor said her bone was all right and taping would
be an effective cure for her ache.

She was absent from school yesterday, because she found
it difficult to walk.

But this morning she said she would walk and go to school.
She was barely able to walk to school ---with my help.

I saw hana-mizuki, dog-wood, on the way to school.
I took a picture of it on my way home, thinking of koharu.

Mt. Takao and Iccho-daira plateau

2006-04-18 21:16:52 | ノンジャンル
It was the ideal weather for hiking today.

I got up early in the morning and took long walks alone
in the mountains --Mt. Takao and Iccho-daira plateau.
Mt. Takao is a low mountain (599m) and has a lot of hikers
all the year around.

Today my pedometer showed that I walked 27266 steps.
I had a wonderful time in the hazy pink and green mountains.
I thanked for being alive and being there.


32 years ago.....

2006-04-17 19:21:18 | ノンジャンル
My daughter became six years old on March 11 in 1974.
Eight days later, her father died.

It was two weeks later since her father's death that
she became a first year pupil of elementary school.

Ten days have passed since koharu, my six-year-old
granddaughter, started to go to elementary school.

koharu always reminds me of my daughter who was 6
years old, 32 years ago. Is it because I'm getting
old that I often call koharu by her mother's name?

my only daughter, 32 years ago (right)--on the beach
near my home in Niigata.

precious memory

2006-04-15 15:34:51 | ノンジャンル
On the way to the meeting at the community center,
I saw purple tsuru-kikyo blooming beautifully
and gently in the bush.

Do you know tsuru-kikyo? It is very strong.
It creeps around the garden. I have tsuru-kikyo
in my garden in Niigata.

Mr. K, who was kind enough to take care of my two
dogs, gave me one and planted it in my garden.

Mr. K has been dead for years, but tsuru-kikyo is
alive and welcomes me when I go home--to my vacant
home in Niigata. I miss Mr. K and my two dogs so much.

at six in the evening---It isn't dark yet today!