karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

cha-mise at the top of Mt. Shiroyama

2005-09-30 17:19:36 | ノンジャンル
Today, again, I climbed Mt. Shiroyama. Mt. Shiroyama is one of my favorite mountains in the suburbs of Tokyo.

Why do I like Mt. Shiroyama? I like the mountain path to Mt. Shiroyama. There is the peace of the woods. I enjoy the Sense of Wonder.

At the top of Mt. Shiroyama, there is a small store with an open front--cha-mise in Japanese or a stall in English.

At the store you'll find a very pleasant young man selling oden, nameko-mushroom-soup, coffee, tea, beer, juice, etc. He seems to love nature, especially mountains.

All hikers will feel relieved and happy when they arrive at the top of Shiroyama and find the store open after taking long walks in the mountains.

I always make an order for nameko-mushroom-soup. Today I ordered oden, too. Both nameko-mushroom-soup and oden are absolutely delicious!