karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

his last day at his home

2005-03-05 08:11:26 | ノンジャンル
I cannot forget the day March 5, 1974 (s. 49).
My husband, who was 33 years old, was struggling with leukemia, blood cancer. He had been breathing very hard in those few days. So I said to him, " Let's go to see the doctor. He will help you breathe more easily by using oxygen inhaler."

But my husband would not say yes. He said, "No, karin. I know my last is coming. So I'd like to be here at home with you as long as possible. Once I leave home, I will not be able to come home again, I know. Thank you, karin, but I would not go to hospital."

In the afternoon his breathing was getting more and more labored but still then, he said, "No, karin, don't call the doctor. I'd like to be here with you." However, I finally called the doctor and asked for his advice.

I took my husband to hospital in my own car, which he bought for me. He loved driving so much. He also had his own car but he could not drive it any more. On the way to hospital I prayed, "Oh, please save his life. Please let him come home again!" My husband repeated again and again, "karin, I'm so sorry that I can't keep my promise to make you happy. I am not afraid of dying but I am worried how you and our only daughter will live. Alas, how I wish I could live to be 52!!"
Very sad to say that was his very last day at his own home. He did not come home again. He died--- after two weeks in hospital.

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Unknown (shunran)
2005-03-05 15:37:20
Dear Karin-san

Till her husband last moment, he’d like to be your home with you
and your daughter .
Please I’d like to listen to my husband at last moment,
My husband had an operation for lung cancer about one year for dying day.
Doctor said me an operation was success.
He was in good health about 10 month remove consult a doctor every month.
He had job every day also he and I went to some hot spring bath.

His present condition no good since it was two month before dying day.
Doctor said that let’s wait it a little longer and see.
But he was cough up blood at one day before dying day.
He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
Next day he died.
His words still linger in my mind.
Ah, that’s exactly I'd like to be here at home with you.

By the way, today is my birthday .
I and him were the same age on today.
