karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Arab Republic of Egypt (6)

2010-04-09 13:12:00 | ノンジャンル
Back to Aswan by bus

Our guide, a young man who looked twenty-five or so,
was half Japanese and half Egyptian.
His mother was fascinated by Egypt and married his father.

He spoke perfect Japanese.
He was a competent guide.

In the bus to Abu Simbel, he told us about Egypt.
The following is what he told us.

#1 The 95% of the land of Egypt is the Desert of Sahara
and the Egyptian live along the Nile.

#2 The 80% of the Egyptian are Muslims and the 20% Christians.

#3 The economy of Egypt is based on "Toll of the Suez Canal,"
"Export of Oil" and "Tourist attraction."

#4 Educational system is almost the same as that of Japan.
English is taught in the 4th grade in public school.

They have to pass many tests to go on to college, so those
students who want to go on to college study very hard since
their childhood.

Time of "Military Service" is different from every other
・junior high school graduates---3 years
・high school graduates---2 years
・college graduates---1 year.

A widening difference in education is a big problem in Egypt, he said.
Wherever I went, I saw many Egyptian boys selling souvenirs to us.
"Do they attend school?" I wondered.

In the bus back to Aswan, I saw the sun set in the Sahara.
I suddenly remembered one scene from a movie Lawrence of Arabia
I had seen with my husband.

(from my bus window)

2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (JIMPA)
2010-04-10 00:40:40

Unknown (karin)
2010-04-10 09:04:19
JIMPAさん おはようございます


