karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my apartment house

2005-03-10 06:49:44 | ノンジャンル
The first year when I came to live in Tokyo, I went back to my home in Niigata every other month. The next year, every three months. The third year, every four months. Thus I got accustomed to new surroundings in Tokyo. I am surprised that I possess much adaptability.

This apartment house, where six people live, is a two-story house--an old house on a steel framework. Three live on the first floor and another three on the second floor. Three of them are university students, two are office workers, and I am unemployed. They are all young men--except me, a woman of 62. I live in the middle apartment on the first floor.

Nobody makes a noise here in this apartment house. Is it because they live all alone? Do they live carefully? Don't they cook? I hear no sound of talking, cooking, music, radio nor television. Sometimes I hear footsteps on the stairs and water flowing the pipes, by which I know I am not alone and feel at ease.

None of us have a car. They go to work or school by bicycle. Does it mean they study or work near here? We say "hello!"with a smile when we meet at the front door. We have no conversation, so we do not know each other. But I like this sense of distance in this apartment house--neither indifferent nor too friendly

2 コメント

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Unknown (karin)
2005-03-10 21:23:38
Dear shunran-san,
My neighbors in Niigata were all so kind. When I came home late, some of them often brought me dishes for supper. We often enjoyed our chat very much. When they found my car in the garage late in the morning, they wondered what had happened to me. So I had to tell them when I was away from home. Oh, how much I love them! I miss them so much. Yes, everything has both aspects, merits and demerits, as you say. Thank you, shunran-san.
Unknown (梁 (Ryo))
2005-03-10 14:46:19
Feel silence. Remain smiling in slow motion. "Not too friendly".
But today new moon somewhere in the cloudy sky, you (you all?) can fly a kite round the moon with spring. le printemps.

born & grown up in Tokyoのぼくは今昼休みです。