karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Wien, the capital of Austria (1)

2007-02-24 14:38:00 | ノンジャンル
After sightseeing in Budapest, I returned to Wien.
It was a wonderful drive of 5 hours. I was happy admiring
scenery out of my bus window.

I had late dinner at a wine restaurant and went to a hotel
situated near Schönbrunn Palace, where I stayed two nights.

On Feb. 15 I had a very busy day. I spent a whole day in Wien.
It was a rainy day but it cleared up in the afternoon.

In the morning I visited Schönbrunn Palace.
The schedule of visiting Schönbrunn Palace was minced
into minute.
My group was allowed to enter the palace at 8:46 a.m.

No photography was allowed there.
I saw 20 rooms out of 1441(?) rooms.
I walked in the courtyard. Everything was magnificent.

I also visited Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien.
I was excited to appreciate those pictures painted by Brueghel,
Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrande, etc. Taking photos without flash
was allowed there. A gentleman was copying a picture!
I was surprised that painting was also allowed in the museum!

After lunch I decided to try a tram, streetcar.
I rode in a red tram without knowing how to buy a ticket.
But in the tram no English was written. All was written in German.
I didn't understand any word of German.

I asked a young man if he understood English. He spoke English
a little and helped me buy a ticket.
What a relief! The ticket cost me 2 Euro.
I enjoyed watching downtown of Wien.

In the evening I enjoyed an operetta
"Die Fledermaus (koumori, in Japanese)" by Johann Strauss
at Volks Oper, Wien. I enjoyed it at a very good box seat.

That evening a dance was to be held at Staats Oper and celebrities
in Wien were going to attend the dance.
Some citizens were holding a demonstration as a protest
against the dance, I heard.
I saw many policemen setting up barricades.

Anyway, I enjoyed music in the home of music
and came back to my hotel around 11:00 p.m.
It was a long and wonderful day.

Thus, my tour in Europe began at Wien and finished at Wien.

Thank you for reading my English.