karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

5800 steps!

2005-03-06 00:29:02 | ノンジャンル
40 days have passed since I fell and broke my ankle. Three days ago, I went to see the doctor and was x-rayed. He said,"Take care. It will take you two more months to get all right." I was very disappointed to hear it.

Yesterday it was fine in the morning but the weather forecast said it would be snowy in the evening. I thought I should some vegetables for supper before it began to snow. After cleaning my room I went shopping in the supermarket which was located a little far away from my apartment. There's no shops around here.

Walking to the supermarket, I felt I was getting much better than when I walked a week ago. I was sure I was getting better day by day. Indeed time heals everything.
I visited my daughter after shopping, played dolls with my granddaughter and came back to my apartment. To my extreme surprise I found that I had walked 5800 steps so far ! Sorry to say I still have a little swollen ankle and I have a little pain when I walk.

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Unknown (shunran)
2005-03-06 20:18:12
Has the snow piled so much in Niigata?
The daughter and the grandchild lived and may live in Tokyo in the vicinity and now
inconvenient though it walked.
Osaka is fine.
I want to go to help every day when I am the vicinity ‥.