karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on March 27, 2021

2021-03-27 13:39:00 | ノンジャンル
What a mild spring day!

It's not cold.
It's not hot.
The wind is not blowing.
It's low humidity.

It's a very good day for going to see
the cherry blossoms.

I don't feel like going far away
under this COVID-19 crisis.

So I enjoy the cherry blossoms here
at Tamagawa-josui.

Viewing the cherry blossoms makes me happy.

Flowers have the power to heal our heart.


Something was wrong with my TV set.

The engineer at the Cable TV Company
came to my apartment to fix it.

He examined my TV set carefully.

He changed the tuner into a new one.

Oh, everything is now OK! Thank you.


Time flies quickly but
my everyday life goes slowly.

(boke in full bloom at my daughter's)