karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on March 14, 2021

2021-03-14 08:53:00 | ノンジャンル
It’s White Day in Japan.

It's a second Valentine's Day
and men return the favor for the chocolates
they received on Valentine's Day.

White Day brings back one of my old memories!

My old American pen pal Anne used to be
an elementary school teacher.

When I wrote to her about White Day in Japan,
she was very interested in it.

She told her class students about White Day
in Japan and her class did enjoy White Day.

In her class all the students exchanged little gifts
both on Valentine's Day and on White Day.

Anne wrote to me that her students were all
greatly excited.


I'm now worrying about Anne.
I haven’t heard from her since Christmas.
I'm afraid something is wrong with her.

Are you all right, Anne?
Are you enduring a bad pain?
I hope you stay in good condition.

(イチョウagainst the blue sky, this morning)