karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on July 19, 2020

2020-07-19 11:04:00 | ノンジャンル
How are you, everybody?
I hope you are all good.

As for me, the problem is--
that I am not getting enough sleep,
that I have a little appetite,
that I I'm constantly worrying about something
and that I feel very lonely and uneasy
when I am in the apartment alone.

I know I must admit I'm getting old.
But I'm sure I'll soon be all right.


By the way, I read in the radio English textbook
that the following slogans 3S were coined by
Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state of New York.

★Stay Home
★Stop the Spread
★Save lives.

How about 3Cs? By WHO?

★Closed spaces with poor ventilation
★Crowded places with many people nearby
★Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations

I know the important thing is
that we should keep
these slogans 3S and 3Cs.