karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Roads of Arabia

2018-02-25 10:50:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I enjoyed the exhibition
titled Roads of Arabia---
Archaeological Treasures of Saudi Arabia.
(アラビアの道 サウジアラビア王国の至宝展)

It is held at Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park.
(東京国立博物館 上野公園)

Roads of Arabia are:

1 人類・アジアへの道 (アラビア先史時代)
2 文明に出会う道 
3 香料の道
4 巡礼の道
5 王国への道

I was greatly interested in the following:

(the Koran)

Yesterday it was such a lovely day
that Mrs. M and I enjoyed walking a little,
here and there in Ueno Park.

What a nice day I had!
Thank you so much, Mrs. M!

I walked 13284 steps yesterday.