karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

at the beginning of the new school year

2017-04-15 14:08:00 | ノンジャンル
The new school year has started
and everyone looks fresh and busy.

What do you want to do, Taka, Grandson?

I hope you'll get a good job for you.

Do you like your new class, koharu,

What do you want to be, I wonder?

Enjoy studying astrophysics as long as you live,

I don't know how to thank my daughter's husband
for working hard to support his family.


I received a letter from Anne yesterday.

Anne is my dear American pen pal who lives
in Florida, USA.

We have been good friends since I was 13 years old,
which means for 62 years!

Your following words
almost made me cry, Anne:

We have been friends since childhood.
What a blessing you are to me.
I love you, dearly, dear Chie!

(Chie is karin's real name.)

I do like these wild plants.