karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

coming back from Niigata

2016-03-29 22:42:00 | ノンジャンル
I came back from Niigata to my apartment in Tokyo
last night.

On the morning of March 25, I felt well
and decided to go home to Niigata.

I left my apartment at 10:20 a.m.
and arrived at Tokyo Station around 11:30 a.m.

I was in time for the 11:45 Shinkansen for Niigata.

(from the Shinkansen)

My good old friends of mine had planned
a lunch party at a hotel in Niigata
but I was not sure if I could attend the party
because I was not in perfect condition.

Oh, how happy I was to attend the party
and see my good old friends!

It was a delightful party.

My neighbors in Niigata City were very kind to me as ever.
Mrs. TE said to me, “Call me whenever you feel sick.
I'm always ready to help you.”

How kind of her to say so!

(my hiiragi)

(my daughter's elementary school)

On the morning of 27, I took the Shinkansen to Nagaoka.
Then I took a taxi to Tochio, my hometown (birthplace),
where my sister and her husband live.

My sister's husband found it very difficult to stand up.

It took him a long time to stand up.

Then he walked several steps holding on to the pillars
or feeling about with his hands.

My sister always watches him anxiously.
She helps him only when he asks her to.

She knows her husband wants to stand up
and walk by himself.

She is very patient, I think.

I've never heard him complain of his condition.

How strong he is!
How devotedly she looks after him!

I stayed overnight at my sister's.

My sister, her husband and I talked and laughed a lot.

We had a very good time, indeed.


On my way back to Tokyo, I enjoyed speaking in English.

An Indonesian couple sat next to me
on the Shinkansen train.

The wife said to me, “Do you speak English?”
I said, “Yes, a little.”

And we three enjoyed talking in English.
They were as old as my daughter.

They have an only daughter who goes to high school.

They came to Japan last week and will go back
to Indonesia next week.

They said, “What a beautiful country Japan is!
We'll come back to Japan with our only daughter.”

I was very glad to hear that.

I learned an Indonesian word for thank you---

TERIMA KACIH (タリーマ・カスィ).