karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Rishiri Island and Rebun Island (3)

2014-08-27 22:54:00 | ノンジャンル
On August 24, Sunday, we left the hotel at 8:45
and went to 鴛泊港 by bus.

We boarded the ferry, ハートランドフェリー,
for 礼文島.

The wind was blowing hard.
A heavy rain was beating against the windowpanes.
Anyway, the ferry put out to sea.

It sometimes pitched and rolled heavily.

I was relieved when we landed at 香深港 in 礼文島.


The street in front of the 香深港ターミナル was flooded!

I was surprised to know almost all roads in 礼文島
were flooded and closed because of the heavy rains.

“We have never had such a heavy rain like this
in these 50 years,” TV said.

We couldn't go out of the 香深港ターミナル.

Lunch at あとい食堂, where we were supposed to enjoy
豪華舟盛り御膳with 焼きうに, was cancelled.

(I didn't mind it at all. I still had little appetite.)

Every plan scheduled for that day was cancelled.

A bus came and took us to our hotel 花れぶん around 3:00p.m.

I spent most of the time watching TV saying what a heavy
rain they had in 礼文島.

I'm sorry we can do nothing but endure disaster after disaster.

to Rishiri Island and Rebun Island (2)

2014-08-27 22:40:00 | ノンジャンル
On August 23, Saturday, I was a little nervous and
woke up very early—at 4:00 in the morning.

At half past eight I went to the appointed place.

It was 21 people who joined this tour. Most of them
were elderly couples.

First we flew to 新千歳空港 and then to 利尻空港.

Here we are in 利尻島!

A big sightseeing bus was waiting for us and took us
to 姫沼. We started to walk around the lake with a local guide.

It was raining lightly but I was happy to enjoy fresh and green

After 姫沼, we visited オタトマリ沼.

Then before going to our hotel, we went to 仙法志岬公園.

We arrived at ホテル利尻 around 5:30 p.m.

I was very tired and had little appetite.

It was very hot in the room, which had no a/c.

It had been raining hard throughout the night.

I was sorry I could not sleep at all.

to Rishiri Island and Rebun Island (1)

2014-08-27 22:36:00 | ノンジャンル
I joined a package tour 「利尻島・礼文島
夏の優雅な花めぐり3日間」from 8/23 to 8/25.


The schedule—

★(第一日) 羽田空港 ⇒ 新千歳空港 ⇒ 利尻空港

★(第二日目)利尻島・鴛泊港 ⇒ 礼文島・香深港(一等船室)
礼文島(桃岩展望台コースハイキング ⇒ 澄海岬 ⇒
スコトン岬 ⇒ 江戸屋山道/豪華昼食 ⇒ 礼文温泉)

★(第三日目)礼文島・香深港 ⇒ 利尻島・鴛泊港 
利尻島 (富士野園地) 利尻空港 ⇒ 新千歳空港 ⇒


I'm not an early riser, so I was afraid to be late
for the appointed time.

I decided to stay the night before at a hotel directly
connected with Haneda Airport.