karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Tokyo Midtown in Akasaka

2014-08-03 14:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to Tokyo Midtown for the first time.

My friends were so kind as to go there with me
and we all had a wonderful time.

Ms. Yamaguchi, a member of 能楽写真家協会 invited me
to 「女性だけの写真展」held at 富士フィルムフォトサロン東京
in Tokyo Midtown.

We met Kodaira Station at 10:15, went to Nakai Station
and changed trains for Roppongi on 大江戸線.

Again, it was my first time to get on 大江戸線.

We got off at Roppongi and walked for Tokyo Midtown.


Here we are at Tokyo Midtown!

We enjoyed many beautiful and interesting pictures
taken by ladies.

We had a late lunch at a restaurant in Tokyo Midtown.

Meanwhile, a band started performing music in the hall!
How pleasant to have lunch listening to beautiful music!

After lunch we went to Suntory Museum of Art.
We enjoyed the exhibition of about 150 examples
of Bohemian Glass from the collection of プラハ国立美術

First, we had a lecture.

It was an exciting exhibition.

Now the time has come to say good bye to Tokyo Midtown.

It was a very hot day, but many people were enjoying
themselves at a terrace café.

We, four ladies, were quite satisfied with everything
and left Tokyo Midtown.

On the way to the station the sky was so beautiful.
