karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the Hawaiian Islands Cruise(1)

2014-04-02 20:37:00 | ノンジャンル

Hello, my friends!

I came back to Japan on the late evening of March 31.
We 14 members of the tour flew to Honolulu in a business
seat of Delta..
It was my first experience to fly in a business seat.

We crossed the International Date Line and reached
Honolulu AirPort, the capital city of the U.S. state of Hawaii.

The time difference between Tokyo and Honolulu is 19 hours.
We left Japan on March 22 and arrived at Honolulu Airport
on the morning of the same day.

We did some sightseeing before embarking on a ship
Pride of America.

(Monkey Pot 日立の樹)

(King Kamehameha Statue カメハメハ大王像)

The time has come for us to go onto the ship!

The ship started to sail for Maui.