karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Tottori Sand Dunes and Kurashiki

2014-01-09 14:00:00 | ノンジャンル
On January 7 we left our hotel at 9:00 in the morning.
Our sightseeing bus ran along the 白兎海岸.

I remembered my good old elementary school days.
We,1st year students, did a play 因幡のしろうさぎ
on the stage. I mean 学芸会.

Long, long time ago--66 years ago!
I was surprised I could still sing the song.

(from my bus window)

We took a ski lift and went to Tottori Sand Dunes
Here we are at 鳥取砂丘!

Now we are on the way back to Tokyo.

Before going back to Okayama Station to take the
Nozomi Superexpress, we stopped over in Kurashiki
just for one and a half hours.

(on the way to Kurashiki City—from my bus window)

M-san and I strolled back and forth in Kurashiki,
casually into some stores.

(Kurashiki Ivy Square)

I came back to my apartment at 11:00p.m.
I was a little tired but I was feeling refreshed.
Yes, I had a nice trip.

Adachi Museum of Art

2014-01-09 11:55:00 | ノンジャンル
Now our sightseeing bus is running
to Adachi Museum of Art 足立美術館.

Oh, my favorite view!

This is my second time to visit Adachi Museum of Art.
I visit it only in winter.

This museum is set in a beautiful natural environment.

I’d like to visit this museum in another season.

Then we hurried to Misasa Onsen 三朝温泉,
where we were going to stay overnight.

(from my bus window)


I enjoyed the hot spring and had a good sleep.

Matsue Castle

2014-01-09 10:45:00 | ノンジャンル
When I came to Matsue City on January 6 in 2007,
I did not go into Matsue Castle 松江城.
I enjoyed going around the castle by堀川遊覧船.

This time I climbed the narrow, steep stairs
to the top floor of the five-storied castle tower.

It was rather tough for me to get to the top floor.
I realized I am getting older and weaker year after year.

I thought I would not be able to climb those steep stairs
next time.

“How lucky I am! This is the last chance,” I thought.

Wow! What a fine vie of the city!

(narrow, steep stairs)

Then three of us enjoyed strolling here and there
and visited 小泉八雲記念館.