karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Izu Peninsular

2011-02-18 13:51:00 | ノンジャンル
On Wednesday, the day before yesterday,
I joined a day bus tour.

The weather was perfect for a bus tour.

I left my apartment at 6:45, went to
Tachikawa and got on a sightseeing bus.

Forty members joined the bus tour.

First we saw つるし飾り雛 in Izunokuni.
It was my first time to see those つるし飾り雛.
I felt prayers for children's good health, good luck.

Next, we went to 修善寺梅林.

I felt I should have come a week later to see ume
in full bloom.

I enjoyed being there, enjoyed the air of spring.

Lastly, we went to Kawazu.

Kawazu is famous for its Kawazuzakura.

I felt very sorry that it was too early to see
kawazuzakura in full bloom.

Kawazuzakura was just beginning to bloom.

I'd like to visit Kawazu again.

I walked 16637 steps.

I was happy to have a good day.