karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

young American lady

2009-12-11 17:41:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I attended Friday English Class at komin-kan.
Our new teacher is a young American lady.

She said that her Japanese friend's father passed away
and that she was going to attend "tsuya ceremony"tonight.

She asked us how to put money into koden-paper.
She had already written 御霊前 and her name in katakana
on the front of koden-paper.

Yes, she is learning Japanese!

She was very anxious about "tsuya ceremony."
She asked us when,where and how to hand the koden-paper
to her friend.
She asked us how "tsuya ceremony"would go.

She asked us if her Japanese pronunciation was right,
saying この度はご愁傷さまでございます。

She tried her best to learn the Japanese sentence
by heart.

I was moved by her serious and sincere way to know
Japanese customs.

"tsuya ceremony" will start around six. o'clock., I hear.
I hope she will do well.

It was a beautiful day yesterday.
It has been raining all day today.

(yesterday's sky)

(today's sky, the same place)