karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

tour to Iwate, Akita and Aomori (6)

2009-08-27 17:40:00 | ノンジャンル
Komata-kyo (#1)

Thirty minutes' cruising took me to another pier
---to Komata-kyo.

I got off the cruiser and started to walk
along the mountain stream.

There were several beautiful waterfalls.
I walked enjoying the roar of those waterfalls.

I had to be very careful because I had to walk
on rocks or stones or narrow, slippery mountain path.

I was unsteady on my feet.

tour to Iwate, Akita and Aomori (5)

2009-08-27 17:31:00 | ノンジャンル
(Lake Taiheiko in Akita)

Taiheiko and Komata-kyo are not well known yet
even among hikers, I hear.

I was interested in them and had hopes and fears.

I went down and down-- to the pier.

Then I boarded a cabin cruiser.

I enjoyed cruising Lake Taiheiko.

(from my bus window)

(Lake Taiheiko)

tour to Iwate, Akita and Aomori (3)

2009-08-27 17:13:00 | ノンジャンル
(Chusonji Temple,in Hiraizumi,Iwate )

Many of you have visited Chusonji Temple.
You know its history well, I suppose.

It was my first visit to Chusonji Temple.

I thought of the old days of the Fujiwara family.

Konjikido, the Golden Hall, was built in 1124.
It is a National Treasure and no cameras were allowed.