karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

yesterday's Lower House election

2005-09-12 14:25:25 | ノンジャンル
I did not expect that the LDP would have 296 seats--sweeping victory. Some critics say, "Alas! How foolish they are! They don't know that they are deceived by Koizumi's performance in the Koizumi theater. " I don't agree with them.

I suppose even a lot of people who expected the change of political power voted for Koizumi, the Liberal Democratic Party. They were disappointed because Okada, the Democratic Party of Japan, would not debate the issue 'postal privatization.' Okada should have fought against Koizumi.

There is a saying 'makeru ga kachi' in Japanese. I don't know how to explain the saying in English. Losers are sometimes winners, I dare say. I hope the Opposition will mature greatly and win in the next election.

Some say this is a Korean flower but I don't know its name.