karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Katrina and New Orleans

2005-09-02 21:47:31 | ノンジャンル
When the Hurricane Katrina was approaching the southern Gulf Coast states of America, I was watching the TV news that 480000 people of New Orleans were ordered to run for shelter.

Of course, they knew where to go, I thought. Amazing! The authorities of New Orleans moved such a large number of people to safe places.

The next day, I knew 80% areas of New Orleans were under water. To my surprise, there were a lot of people remaining in their own houses. They were asking for help on the rooftops!

According to the TV news, most of those people were too poor to buy a car. They could not afford it. I'm afraid many of those who had remained in their houses were washed away by the flood.

Why didn't the authorities arrange to catch buses for those poor people? America is the richest country in the world. They could have done it.

Why didn't the authorities make sure that all the residents had gone to shelter? There should have been some ways to make it sure.

I pray the day will soon come when all survivors will live not among corpses but in pleasant surroundings.