

Accounting Détente Delayed



This week ― days after the United States Securities and Exchange Commission made clear it was not going to move toward adoption of international standards anytime soon ― the two boards found themselves in angry disagreement over one of the most contentious issues to emerge from the financial crisis: how banks should account for loans that may be going bad.

この春に両者は暫定的合意に達していたが、FASBのLeslie Seidman議長は、両設定主体のジョイントミーティングにおいて、銀行監督当局などがそのルールに対して懸念を表明しており、指針と詳細を詰めるために、さらなる時間が必要であると述べた。

The two boards had reached tentative agreements this spring ― I’ll get to some of the details later ― but Leslie Seidman, the chairwoman of the American board, told a joint meeting of the two boards that bank regulators and others had voiced concern about the rules and that she wanted more time to work out guidance and details.

「非常に困ったことだ」と、ロンドンからテレビ会議で参加していたIASBのHans Hoogervorst議長は答えた。3年にもわたって広範な努力をはらったのに、「すべてがだめになってしまう」ことを恐れていると議長は述べた。

“This is deeply embarrassing,” responded Hans Hoogervorst, the chairman of the international board, which was meeting in London and was linked by videoconference to the American board’s meeting in Norwalk, Conn. He said he feared “this whole thing is going to unravel” after three years of extensive effort.



By last year that “road map” was to have led to an S.E.C. decision, but it did not. Late last Friday, the commission issued a fairly saccharine staff report on the issue that made no recommendations. That report had been ready months ago.


The push for international rules in the United States turned out to have little domestic support. The major accounting firms love the idea, and so do some large multinational companies. But many domestic companies fear the expense of changing.


In recent years, the American and international boards have tried to move the two sets of rules together by adopting identical standards in various areas. That process worked in some areas, but it has produced sharp disagreements on rules for insurance companies, and now the latest dispute has erupted over bank rules.



In any case, American GAAP will not be replaced by international rules. It appears that the most the S.E.C. will consider doing is to submit any new rule adopted by the international board to the American board for consideration. Some accountants had hoped that American companies would be given permission to use international rules if they wished to do so, but that appears unlikely.

Lack of SEC decision on IFRS turns CPAs’ focus to convergence projects(Journal of Accountancy)


As the wait for an SEC decision on IFRS continues indefinitely, CPAs can turn their international standards focus to the convergence projects on leases, revenue recognition and financial instruments, some experts say.






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