

Sir David Tweedie incoming ICAS President


SIR David Tweedie is to become the next President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.



Commenting on the financial landscape, Sir David Tweedie said: “Lessons in all quarters are being learnt from the global financial crisis. There is work to be done in restoring confidence and trust in business and in the profession – including preparers of financial statements and auditors. Increased transparency and clearer communication will be pivotal to this.


“The status quo is not an option but it should be a matter of natural evolution not revolution. As we continue to shine a light into the debate it should result in more of the good and detailed work of the auditor being reported to the true clients – shareholders and investors; more useful financial reporting and communication which tells the full story of a business and reflects economic reality; and regulators and auditors working more closely together.


“In the midst of all this we must not forget the voice of the smaller companies. Small audits are different. Accountants have an even more important business advisor role to play in this case.”


Following the onset of the financial crisis, Sir David believes the need for well-written principles-based accounting standards is of more importance. “Ultimately it should reduce the cost of capital”, he said. “Studies have shown that in Europe IFRS has reduced it by 47 basis points. That is a huge amount and the more that can be done, the more you end up with investment and growth. We are talking macro-economics with a global effect.”


Sir David Tweedie to lead accountancy body Icas(BBC)




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