

Accounting Board Criticizes Deloitte’s Auditing System


In an unprecedented rebuke to a major accounting firm, the group that oversees the industry released a report criticizing Deloitte & Touche, saying that it lacked an adequate system of quality control in its audits.

In a report released Monday, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board chastised a Deloitte culture that it said placed too much faith in officials of the companies being audited.


The report was written in 2008 and covered audits conducted in 2007. It was kept private under rules that say such criticisms must remain confidential for a year, and then may be released only if the firm has failed to make sufficient progress in correcting the problems.


Until now, the accounting oversight board, which was created by the Sarbanes-Oxley law in 2002 in the wake of failures at Enron and WorldCom, had never released such a report on a major firm.


The board also criticized Deloitte for the way it worked with foreign affiliates, who use the name Deloitte in other countries but are separate partnerships. It said American partners who chose to retain foreign affiliates to help on audits of multinational companies often had no way to assess whether that firm’s personnel were adequately familiar with American accounting and auditing rules.


The 2008 report cited problems in 27 of the 61 Deloitte audits it reviewed, including three where the issuing company was forced to restate its financial statements. It did not name any of the clients.


In each of the cases where the accounting had to be changed, the board said Deloitte auditors had failed to consult with the firm’s top experts to determine appropriate accounting policies. It said there was “cause for concern” that the firm’s policies did not result in appropriate consultations.


The report pointed to “a firm culture that allows, or tolerates, audit approaches that do not consistently emphasize the need for an appropriate level of critical analysis and collection of objective evidence, and that rely largely on management representations.”


Report on 2007 Inspection of Deloitte & Touche LLP(PDFファイル)




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