English Collection



2013年02月22日 | 英語学習
内村鑑三がRepresentative Men of Japanで取り上げた5人目の日本人は日蓮上人です。
On the 28th day of the fourth month of the fifth year of Kencho (1253), as the rosy sun was half above eastern horizon. Nichiren was upon a cliff looking toward the broad Pacific, and to the seas before him and the mountains behind him, and through them to the whole universe, he repeated the form of prayer he had framed for himself, the form that was intended to silence all others, to lead his disciples to the end of the earth, and be their watchword to all eternity, --the form indeed, that embodied the essence of Buddhism, the constitution of man, and of the universe. It was Nam-Myo-Ho-Rengekyo, or [in Sanskrit] Nama Saddharma-Pundarikaya, [meaning] "I humbly trust in the Sutra of the Mysterioul Law of the White Lotus."
今日覚えたい単語は上に出てきた "watchword" です。
・Macmillan Dictionary: a word or phrase that expresses someone's attitude or intention: Quality is our watchword.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1: a word or phrase used as a sign of recognition among members of the same society, class, or group
2a: a word or motto that embodies a principle or guide to action of an individual or group : slogan: “safety” is our watchword b: a guiding principle: change is the watchword for both parties
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (a word or phrase which represents) the main ideas or principles directing the way that someone behaves or the way that something is done: And remember, let caution be your watchword.
標語、合言葉、モットー、そして多分念仏も "watchword" に入るのでしょう。
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